Spruce - Fantastic info there. Much appreciated!
Daz - do you just write down the sold properties then go back and canvass them or canvass them when there's a sold sign outside?
Mate its simple.
Cover a 10 mile radious from your chosen area, go out with the mrs or your kid or even a mate as it saves a lot of time than doing it yourself, simply note down all the houses with sold board signs up on houses that you would like as customers. After going out 5/6 times you would have built up a list of around 100 decent houses with sold board signs on which when the new home owners move in they will 9 times out of 10 bite your arm off to be there window cleaner as no one spends 250k plus on a house and not have clean windows when they want to show all there mates and there family there new home.
A simple pitch to use is "hi i notice you have nust moved in, im a local window cleaner and do many around here and im guessing you would like me to put you on the books aswell" that is all that needs to be said as it puts the words yes go on then in there mouths.
After gaining the list of 100 plus sold boards you will need to drive round them every 2 weeks waiting for the sold board to come down when it does pounce at the house and say your stuff and gain another customer. Within a year of doing this you would have built up such a cream round with decent houses and decent prices that life will be easy. Dont take my word for it just go and do it! Dont waste time canvassing every single road and house think out of the box and target your new work another way( the sold board way).