so when you go shopping you always buy the dearest food ??
its life deal with it
Alright who the f*** do you think you're talking to
you asked
so you got told,what do you want me to tell you ...........
There's a way to talk to people.
Fin-do you see the irony in your comment?
For your OP though, sometimes it happens. That's just business.
My advice: do t lower yourself to their standard. You're (I'd hope) better than that.
You win some you lose some.
But as soon as you compromise your integrity, you lose, and it'll be your fault.
Leave it be.
Crack on with work.
Keep a smile on your face.
Customers buy YOU. Not what you can do.
If someone wants to leave you for a quid saved here & there-let them go, they're not the sort of customer you want anyway.
All the best