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  • Posts: 4994
Re: you feeling positive about year ahead?
« Reply #20 on: January 04, 2014, 11:47:28 pm »
darren i was sneaking a few drinks here and there and not enjoying it really then one night i took my girlfriend out to an italian restaurant and drank a bottle of wine before she picked me up.then a few bottles of red in the restaurant and then hit the brandy! ::)roll

no control and i was VERY LOUD and obnoxious!my girlfriend was VERY shocked!!she had never seen me blind drunk before.she took me home and we never spoke for a week.

the next day i felt terrible and all my past came back to haunt me.anyone on here who is a recovering alcoholic will understand.

i was in a bad way 11 years ago when i stepped into my first AA meeting.i needed medication back then to stop the shakes.i was having panic attacks for months afterwards and its took me years and years to straighten my life out.

luckily this time it was a little blip. a "wake up" call if you like that no matter how long i go without a drink i can never touch the stuff for the rest of my life.

me and the girlfriend made up after a week and ive been sober ever since.she doesnt understand but accepts that i cant drink no matter what.



It sounds like a good night out that Daz!

Just kidding of course. Having had a good few friends/family members that have had similar problems with the booze I know how hard it must have been to win that battle.

Personally I'm massively positively for 2014 onwards. We have picked up a good few well paying commercial jobs for the coming year which more than makes up for a big job that we have lost recently.

Onwards and upwards for 2014!
"....and it's lend me ten pounds, I'll buy you a drink, and mother wake me early in the morning."

Tadgh O Shea

Re: you feeling positive about year ahead?
« Reply #21 on: January 04, 2014, 11:53:07 pm »
Hi Guys, This is only a suggestion one I have mentioned before so don't go all loopy on it, why complain about the weather and the unworkable conditions there are plenty of options for window cleaners to work inside and actually make more money than cleaning outside. there is serious money to be made in detailing high end surfaces for retailers its clean easy work with spectacular results and the market is wide open to this added service and retailers especially are wide open to it. I wont go into the specifics as I will be accused of promoting our concepts in cleaning, if anyone wants information on how to offer this service to retailers and trust me they are wide open to it send me an email and I will share some ideas, and believe it or not the products required to carry out this detailing service can be purchased from suppliers other than ourselves. I will say once the retailer sees the finished results they will want you back on a regular basis to maintain their surfaces to optimum condition as they wont have seen these before or have the products,staff,or knowledge to achieve the  amazing results.


  • Posts: 7887
Re: you feeling positive about year ahead?
« Reply #22 on: January 04, 2014, 11:59:43 pm »
Yes ............ every month a pay rise in 2014  :)


  • Posts: 408
Re: you feeling positive about year ahead?
« Reply #23 on: January 05, 2014, 12:25:53 am »
Been back in the uk  now for a year and a half after being away for 3 years
Came back not thro choice from a country I loved  but you just have to get on with it  and make the best of what you have left
spent  the last year and  half finding my feet trying a few different things buying and selling made a few mistakes a fair bit of mincing around  still not used the cold  hate the winter weather
Have now purchased a fairly good setup and got the cash together to buy a half decent van and will buy a 40 / 50 ft pole  in the next few weeks which will hopefully turn my tin pot window cleaning business  Into something a little better
New business seems to be rolling in and only concentrating on the glass seems to be working rather than juggling to many different pies
Working for myself  i can't beat as I please myself what I do and most important it gives me time with my family  and the financial rewards seem good at last
2014 i think will be a good year  
this time next year I'll be a millionaire I can't wait to be a Billy big bollox
Stand before my gates and be judged


  • Posts: 1112
Re: you feeling positive about year ahead?
« Reply #24 on: January 05, 2014, 12:30:08 am »
darren i was sneaking a few drinks here and there and not enjoying it really then one night i took my girlfriend out to an italian restaurant and drank a bottle of wine before she picked me up.then a few bottles of red in the restaurant and then hit the brandy! ::)roll

no control and i was VERY LOUD and obnoxious!my girlfriend was VERY shocked!!she had never seen me blind drunk before.she took me home and we never spoke for a week.

the next day i felt terrible and all my past came back to haunt me.anyone on here who is a recovering alcoholic will understand.

i was in a bad way 11 years ago when i stepped into my first AA meeting.i needed medication back then to stop the shakes.i was having panic attacks for months afterwards and its took me years and years to straighten my life out.

luckily this time it was a little blip. a "wake up" call if you like that no matter how long i go without a drink i can never touch the stuff for the rest of my life.

me and the girlfriend made up after a week and ive been sober ever since.she doesnt understand but accepts that i cant drink no matter what.



Hi dazmond, just like to say well done and that i admire your positive thinking and strength. I completely understand where
your coming from as i had similar problems in the past.



  • Posts: 17015
Re: you feeling positive about year ahead?
« Reply #25 on: January 05, 2014, 12:58:56 am »
Hi Guys, This is only a suggestion one I have mentioned before so don't go all loopy on it, why complain about the weather and the unworkable conditions there are plenty of options for window cleaners to work inside and actually make more money than cleaning outside. there is serious money to be made in detailing high end surfaces for retailers its clean easy work with spectacular results and the market is wide open to this added service and retailers especially are wide open to it. I wont go into the specifics as I will be accused of promoting our concepts in cleaning, if anyone wants information on how to offer this service to retailers and trust me they are wide open to it send me an email and I will share some ideas, and believe it or not the products required to carry out this detailing service can be purchased from suppliers other than ourselves. I will say once the retailer sees the finished results they will want you back on a regular basis to maintain their surfaces to optimum condition as they wont have seen these before or have the products,staff,or knowledge to achieve the  amazing results.

Oh Jeepers.

I've been window cleaning for 12 years and others on here have been doing the job for longer and some a lot longer. I've run a business in a partnership and we had a huge TO running contracts and employing. Others on here currently run larger business's.

I admire your enthusiasm but in all honesty, it doesn't quite work like that and it's not that simple and please, please, use ordinary language and not that sales type jargon. Do you have to go away on a course to learn to write like that?

'maintain their surfaces to optimum condition' - oh lord help us.

'amazing results' - what do you honestly think most of us on here do already? Clean windows and glass and leave them smeared and dirty?
Just chant..... Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. It's beats chanting Tory Tory or Labour Labour.

Tadgh O Shea

Re: you feeling positive about year ahead?
« Reply #26 on: January 05, 2014, 01:49:25 am »
I am having a great laugh here, i have been cleaning windows since 1982, you were the one complaining about the weather and outside conditions, if you read my post I said it was a suggestion that I had mentioned before and don't go all loopy on it, well need I say more, I know you guys go out every day and provide a  service in all sorts of weather where you clean windows streak free if you need me to say it, I will say it again from having more experience in the cleaning industry, there is plenty of business to be developed from detailing surfaces inside premises rather than outside in the conditions you were complaining about, this is an added service that can generate extra revenue and it can be turned into on going revenue if one uses their head. as regards the language and fancy words these are things you pick up along the way when you have been in the industry for over 30 years.


  • Posts: 23864
Re: you feeling positive about year ahead?
« Reply #27 on: January 05, 2014, 08:01:49 am »
i refuse all inside work unless its a big posh house who s owners are clean freaks! ;D

i hate the hassle of booking the job in rather than just turn up and clean and i dont like walking around inside other peoples houses!i do relent for a few customers but the jobs are £70+ accounts.

i prefer to be outside even in winter!! ;D ;D
price higher/work harder!