Spruce how often do you change filter /filters and your resin and whats your tds reading when you change resin cheers kev
Our tap tds ranges from 90 to 125 ppm. I have an HF5 membrane purchased from GAPS as my water pressure is around 40psi. The r/o gets the water down to between 1 and 2 (mostly 2) with a ratio of waste to pure at around 45% pure to 55% waste. I have an inline TDS meter and tweek it after each flush. I do have a di vessel between my r/o and IBC tank. At a tds of 2 I haven't changed resin since the first fill. Water is still at 000 although the vessel did need a shake a couple of months back.
Filters need to be changed every 3 months as the sediment filter gets dirty very quickly. I have a long life chlorine block 20" filter from Osmotics which needs to be changed now. Thanks for reminding me.
I have a new Fibredyne chlorine block from Gardiners to go in, but he now no longer supplies this one due to flow issues with some users. This one is supposed to be good for 115,00 litres of water. How do you put a time on that amount? On my water useage and r/o ratio that should get me about 50,000 litres of pure or around 25 weeks. I expect on 40 psi I'm going to be one of them and will soon be replacing it with the latest one Alex sells.
( I got a shock when installing this 4040 when I found that the GAC chlorine filters I was using with my previous r/o were only good 2500 US gallons, meaning that the filters needed to be changed every 2 weeks. That's the 20" one.)
I was stalling the change tbh as Alex gardiner is in the process of testing a water meter. This is something I need (we probably all need) as generally I don't have a clue how many litres the r/o filters have processed. As filter change should be related to water processed rather than timed intervals, a decent digital water meter that can be reset is next on the purchase list.
I need to ask Alex when he expects them to be available.
I see Vyair do a meter but will wait for Alex to complete his 'field' tests.
I changed the prefilters on my 450GPD RpMan type filter every 3 months (on average) and the membranes lasted nearly 7 years, so as we don't use much more water my guess is that is about right for us.
With the new 4040 though, the membrane isn't cheap, so failure to change the cheaper chlorine block on time could prove tp be costly.