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  • Posts: 9268
Re: Carpets Came up great for low moisture
« Reply #20 on: January 02, 2014, 04:56:07 pm »
What chemical did you use on that. Impressive result BTW.
I'm getting a new Cimex and going to get stuck into encapping this year.

See Simon the future is moist and not sopping wet  ;D ;D ;D

If you need any advice with this cleaning with a lack of liquid..... you know where I am  ;D ;D
Everyday this forum slips further from God.  :'(

Simon Gerrard

  • Posts: 4405

Andrew Briscoe

  • Posts: 1311
Re: Carpets Came up great for low moisture
« Reply #22 on: January 02, 2014, 05:05:55 pm »
This is typical of NHS, according to CQC standards they are supposed to be HWE,
i have cleaning contracts with several surgeries, and have to clean to the CQC guidelines. When I mention the carpets need cleaned they suddenly have no money to pay.

Not knocking anyone who encaps, just bl**dy beauracatic system, hypocrits, rant over  ;D

I always hwe then put a bonnet over them  :)


  • Posts: 9268
Re: Carpets Came up great for low moisture
« Reply #23 on: January 02, 2014, 05:14:53 pm »
Thanks, Hector, helpful as usual. ;D
BTW, Happy New Year

Just keeping the standards up for this year..

happy new year to you too mate..  ;D
Everyday this forum slips further from God.  :'(


Re: Carpets Came up great for low moisture
« Reply #24 on: January 02, 2014, 06:07:43 pm »

Pilelifter first (which removed quite a lot of muck).

Encap Punch as a prespray (not too much) followed by Releasit Basic through the machine.

One wet pass (trigger on) followed by about four dry / scrubbing passes.

To be honest, I was not sure if it would do the job but was pleasantly surprised. The soiling was actually worse than the photograph suggests.

As a "belt and braces" measure, I always use a turbo dryer when I do LM cleaning.

On New Year's Eve I ran out of Releasit and used Solutions' Fusion Clean, with very similar results.

Darran Pryce

  • Posts: 602
Re: Carpets Came up great for low moisture
« Reply #25 on: January 02, 2014, 06:37:20 pm »
The bottom line is the finished product!  Whether it's bonneting or HWE, long as the custy is happy and you let them know beforehand how the carpets are going to be cleaned then as far as I'm concerned both parties are happy.

We don't bonnet every job as we all know each job is different.  If someone has a 25K truck mounted system, or someone has a 4k or even £500 machine ,down to someone bonneting, each job is different, and I will not knock anyone for what method they choose to use.  It's personal choice.  Some jobs we price up, we know straight away HWE job, others bonneting.