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  • Posts: 23862
Re: New customer registration form
« Reply #20 on: December 29, 2013, 09:55:36 am »
No I wouldn't do it but that's me.I like to keep things as simple as possible!

Cash,cheque,BACS and a few standing orders.

That's enough payment methods for me.loads still pay cash!great for cash flow! ;)
price higher/work harder!

Jonny 87

  • Posts: 3487
Re: New customer registration form
« Reply #21 on: December 29, 2013, 02:36:12 pm »
Absolutely no danger I'd fill that in. Ask your bank manager if it is a good idea to fill your bank details into an unsecured web page, I bet I can guess the answer.

There is not much I personally could gain from having those details but that does not mean there are not others who can. Also if I were a vindictive person I could easily use those details to set up direct debits for all kinds of things, just for fun.

It's a fair point though that if anyone gives you a cheque then you have all their bank details already.

Account number and sort code and very hard to come by.
Vision Technician / Visual Engineer /  Vision Enhancement Operative /...........................................................OnlyUseMeWFP AkA Jonny the Windy Wesher


  • Posts: 3547
Re: New customer registration form
« Reply #22 on: December 29, 2013, 02:59:26 pm »
Wouldn't people want a quote first before signing up?

This is the plan:

> Customer asks for a quote
> We quote
> Customer accepts quote
> We ask customer for email address so that I can send them a link to the registration form
> Email sent to customer
> Customer fills out registration form
> We clean customers windows
> We process payment

I'll keep everyone updated on how it all works out.

Andy  ;)


  • Posts: 20543
Re: New customer registration form
« Reply #23 on: December 29, 2013, 03:33:17 pm »
Giving someone a cheque with your bank details on is not the same as inputting them into an insecure web page.
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  • Posts: 3029
Re: New customer registration form
« Reply #24 on: December 29, 2013, 04:28:26 pm »
One thing to consider are they able to cancel you taking money out you said after 5 days? What if they don't want to pay and do anything in there power like call the bank and get it reversed? The difference is manual payers will do it cos they want to but these will be taken by you ; and u will still get messers who want a one off
Thou I think its good and I think it will filter out maybe 90% of the messers so if you get any of those problems I think it will only be 1 in 100

So I think its good and me too am only seeking these sort of customers can't be bothered for the speculation old fashioned see you next time then no no no . I'm only taking direct debits now and standing orders cleared before we turn up if they want the round discount otherwise its a one off price at 200-300 % so most ofc sign up I've suffered enough lol


  • Posts: 3553
Re: New customer registration form
« Reply #25 on: December 29, 2013, 04:53:02 pm »
Giving someone a cheque with your bank details on is not the same as inputting them into an insecure web page

No but your still giving people all your details, Name account number sort code and most of the time your address.

I am not talking about the unsecured web page.. thats a tad silly i wouldnt enter my details on unsecured page.. i am talking about people not wanting to give bank details over to random people.. but you give cheques to random people and company's all time.


  • Posts: 20543
Re: New customer registration form
« Reply #26 on: December 29, 2013, 04:56:21 pm »
How on earth are we NOT talking about putting bank details into an unsecured page? That is exactly my issue with the form.
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  • Posts: 3553
Re: New customer registration form
« Reply #27 on: December 29, 2013, 05:30:23 pm »
Cus thats not what my first post was about on this topic... your obviously talking about something else  ::)roll

Thats Andy's problem he should rectify it to a secured page??? Most people on this thread are talking about customers giving out bank details to Andy himself and not go cardless mate


  • Posts: 20543
Re: New customer registration form
« Reply #28 on: December 29, 2013, 06:49:34 pm »
Don't roll your eyes at me.

You are the one who has hijacked the thread to discuss something else.  ::)roll

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  • Posts: 3553
Re: New customer registration form
« Reply #29 on: December 29, 2013, 06:57:03 pm »
How did i hiyjack the thread? i posted well before you did!!! on the first page about what people where talking about so get ya facts right! TRY reading back

this was my first post.. and ill roll my eyes at whoever i like

Well it looks like you are asking for account number etc and password. I'm not sure how I would react if someone asked me for those kind of details.
Try it but I would have thought giving your details was more preferable to most.

However I see where you're coming from,

Why not? you give out your account number and sort code when you ask customers to pay you? so its just the same lol but other way round.

Every time you give someone a cheque it has your bank number sort code and name on it.. and usually your address on the bank if you write it on.[/quote


  • Posts: 20543
Dave0123s thread about banks or summat
« Reply #30 on: December 29, 2013, 07:23:11 pm »
I see.

I stupidly thought that this was a thread about Andy*s new customer registration form. I didn't realise that you'd switched it.

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  • Posts: 3553
Re: New customer registration form
« Reply #31 on: December 29, 2013, 07:30:06 pm »
I didnt switch anything....

dave willis said this:

Well it looks like you are asking for account number etc and password. I'm not sure how I would react if someone asked me for those kind of details.
Try it but I would have thought giving your details was more preferable to most.

However I see where you're coming from

Then i said about details already being cheques that anyone can see.. and a few other people said i wouldnt like to give out my bank details.. so i never switched the thread i just answered what other people said about banking details!


  • Posts: 3553
Re: New customer registration form
« Reply #32 on: December 29, 2013, 07:42:32 pm »
I really don't no what your problem is?

you brought the unsecured web page up no one else.. i agreed with you a couple posts up saying youd be a tad silly to enter your bank details on an unsecured web page!! due to the risks i know its different from your details on a cheque! that you hand to someone and not a internet hacker!

Where i was coming from with other people saying they would not give there bank details out to people! or they meant customers wont give there bank details to window cleaners ... so what i was trying to say is why not? when a customer may pay to by cheque and the same details are on there, so why can;t they just give a sort code and bank number! Not... on a unsecured webpage that's silly indeed i don't mean that.

It is the way big companies work.. they just ask for your bank details  either over the phone or on paper sent to them then type it into there computers manually though.


  • Posts: 20543
Re: New customer registration form
« Reply #33 on: December 29, 2013, 07:47:08 pm »
I agree. I have handed my bank details to lots of people, it's never been a problem.

My issue is that I pointed out that the customer registration form from the OP asks for bank details on an unsecured web page and you react like I have somehow changed the subject?

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  • Posts: 3553
Re: New customer registration form
« Reply #34 on: December 29, 2013, 08:00:23 pm »
Im not acting like you've changed the thread.. you said id hijacked it

All am saying is you was the first once to say about the unsecured web page.. and i agree, then i went on to talk about what i was talking about before you said that.. about people willingly giving bank details to people, as thats what people started talking about straight after andy posted. So whats the problem :S i dont care if you or anyone else changes the thread tbh


  • Posts: 20543
Re: New customer registration form
« Reply #35 on: December 29, 2013, 08:03:28 pm »
Is it me or is this the most pointless conversation of all time?
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  • Posts: 3553
Re: New customer registration form
« Reply #36 on: December 29, 2013, 08:11:43 pm »


  • Posts: 20543
Re: New customer registration form
« Reply #37 on: December 29, 2013, 08:14:35 pm »
What it is me? Or it is pointless?

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  • Posts: 20543
Re: New customer registration form
« Reply #38 on: December 29, 2013, 08:19:48 pm »
They're eeeting the dogs.
They're eeeting the cats.
They're eeeting the pets,
of the people who live there.


  • Posts: 3553
Re: New customer registration form
« Reply #39 on: December 29, 2013, 08:26:18 pm »
I meant the conversation is pointless