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Rob Hall

  • Posts: 564
Re: Sealers - How Many Coats - Prize Question
« Reply #100 on: December 30, 2013, 10:06:58 pm »
I am a Dry Treat distributor and approved applicator of their sealers.
How does applying Dry treat differ from applying other sealers? Do you apply wet on wet?


  • Posts: 4777
Re: Sealers - How Many Coats - Prize Question
« Reply #101 on: December 30, 2013, 10:47:34 pm »
Dry treats are available from most pet shops  ;D

chris scott

  • Posts: 3414
Re: Sealers - How Many Coats - Prize Question
« Reply #102 on: December 31, 2013, 07:59:04 am »
So i am not so much of a muppet...I know it's debateable ;D! ;D ;D

Rob has been taught this method, I myself use this method. Aqua mix recommend this method in there sealers choice video (although as Kevin rightly points out could be marketing bull****)
DuPont's Bullet proof is applied this way. (DuPont should know a thing or two)
Our "skilled tile fixer " must have been thinking this way. As he applied the sealer "wet on wet".
Quote"put coat 2 on 24 hours after grouting starting at 9am and completed it by 10am and then he applied 3 more additional coats leaving 1-2 Hours between coats"
My mate in his shed uses this method.
So thats 6 of us  ...Anybody else?

Quote "The second factor was the grout had not cured so that was still wet which exacerbated the problem"
Qoute "The guy is a skilled tile fixer as am I. Who mentioned wet substrate?"

Kevin you say the substrate was dry but the grouting wet. Surely if the grout is wet whats directly underneath it will also be wet/damp/contain high levels of moisture (bit like a wet dish cloth on a draining board ;D) ?
How long had the floor been laid before sealing commenced ?
How long do you generally leave tiled floors to dry before sealing (in cold weather with no heating?)

I would like to hear your comments on this? You will/do have a greater insight into this type of work than most .
Exterior cleaning specialists covering Merseyside,Lancashire and Cheshire. TEL 08000 933267

chris scott

  • Posts: 3414
Exterior cleaning specialists covering Merseyside,Lancashire and Cheshire. TEL 08000 933267

chris scott

  • Posts: 3414
Exterior cleaning specialists covering Merseyside,Lancashire and Cheshire. TEL 08000 933267

Jamie Pearson

  • Posts: 3407
Re: Sealers - How Many Coats - Prize Question
« Reply #105 on: January 05, 2014, 11:33:28 am »
I find with the Dry Treat products that different techniques work for different stones.

For example on Caithness Sandstone or other very porous surfaces we find that when using Dry Treat Enhance Plus or StainProof that a very thin coat of about 1/3 the prescribed application with a roller left overnight then applying the remaining 2/3rds as a heavy application left 2 hours then buffed off works best as a wet on wet washes the sealer too far into the tiles.

On polishd stone/tiles however a wet on wet approach is better then buffing off the excess.

With their water based products we would apply, allow to dry the apply a second coat.

In some cases we apply their water based sealer first as a primer coat followed by enhance plus then finishing with stain proof. This is rare due to the amount of time required as it is 24 hrs between each product. Usually we only do this type of work when this technique is specified by the architect and they want enhancing and the 15 year protection of the StainProof.

Overall my preference with water based fluoropolymer sealers is to apply, allow to dry then apply second coat. With alcohol or solvent based siloxanes like DryTreat StainProof and Enhance plus it varies with the stone/tile.

chris scott

  • Posts: 3414
Re: Sealers - How Many Coats - Prize Question
« Reply #106 on: January 05, 2014, 05:42:22 pm »
So we need to know what "our " contractor was applying and to what to determine what went wrong ???

Kevin says it is immaterial what it was sealed with!

It's all very technical now ..i am confused (then again thats easy!)

CleaningSystemsUK what do think went wrong?
Exterior cleaning specialists covering Merseyside,Lancashire and Cheshire. TEL 08000 933267

Rob Hall

  • Posts: 564
Re: Sealers - How Many Coats - Prize Question
« Reply #107 on: January 05, 2014, 05:47:52 pm »
So we need to know what "our " contractor was applying and to what to determine what went wrong? ???
It's all very technical now!
Personally, I think there is enough evidence to suggest wet on wet is the way to go. Does anyone know of a sealer that states wet on dry? That would probably lead us to find out what the original selaer was that has lead to all the confusion??

Jamie Pearson

  • Posts: 3407
Re: Sealers - How Many Coats - Prize Question
« Reply #108 on: January 05, 2014, 09:10:43 pm »
CleaningSystemsUK what do think went wrong?

Kevin has already told you. The coats were applied too quickly.

We have had this before. Basically we sealed the bottom third of the tiles rather than the top third. The work was carried out in January on a floor with no DPM. The sealer was applied too soon as the customer moved the deadline forward for their furniture delivery. This in turn meant that the first application didn't cure fully and the second coat 24 hrs later just pushed it further in. We ended up having to wait until May before we could revisit, clean and put a final coat on to get the desired results.

chris scott

  • Posts: 3414
Re: Sealers - How Many Coats - Prize Question
« Reply #109 on: January 05, 2014, 09:38:43 pm »
CleaningSystemsUK what do think went wrong?

Kevin has already told you. The coats were applied too quickly.

We have had this before. Basically we sealed the bottom third of the tiles rather than the top third. The work was carried out in January on a floor with no DPM. The sealer was applied too soon as the customer moved the deadline forward for their furniture delivery. This in turn meant that the first application didn't cure fully and the second coat 24 hrs later just pushed it further in. We ended up having to wait until May before we could revisit, clean and put a final coat on to get the desired results.
Kevin received the call start of december that,s when question was set say the work was carried out January?
So the floor was wet? You say no damp proof membraine  ...Kevin said it had underfloor heating.Is the DPM supposed to be under the underfloor heating or on top?
I am even more confused  ??? ???
Were you the contractor? ???
Exterior cleaning specialists covering Merseyside,Lancashire and Cheshire. TEL 08000 933267

Rob Hall

  • Posts: 564
Re: Sealers - How Many Coats - Prize Question
« Reply #110 on: January 05, 2014, 10:10:59 pm »
Now I am all confused too... ??? To be honest, it doesn't take much these days  ;D

Jamie Pearson

  • Posts: 3407
Re: Sealers - How Many Coats - Prize Question
« Reply #111 on: January 06, 2014, 05:07:25 pm »
I am even more confused  ??? ???

Yes you are.

Were you the contractor? ???

No I wasn't.

I was just giving another example with similar outcome.

Our job was old flagstones in a house from the late 18th century laid on ashes and no DPM in those days.

chris scott

  • Posts: 3414
Re: Sealers - How Many Coats - Prize Question
« Reply #112 on: January 06, 2014, 05:26:55 pm »
Ok back on track now ;D I was lost for a bit.
We could disregard your job tho' as you problem was  a damp floor and too cold. ie no membrane and it's winter.
Our contractor did not have a damp floor and I take it there would have been a membrane due to the fact it had underfloor heating (or the underfloor heating would have a acted as a membrane)
So we still are no nearer at solving the mystery  ???
Exterior cleaning specialists covering Merseyside,Lancashire and Cheshire. TEL 08000 933267

Rob Hall

  • Posts: 564
Re: Sealers - How Many Coats - Prize Question
« Reply #113 on: January 06, 2014, 06:10:54 pm »
I am even more confused  ??? ???

Yes you are.

Were you the contractor? ???

No I wasn't.

I was just giving another example with similar outcome.

Our job was old flagstones in a house from the late 18th century laid on ashes and no DPM in those days.
CSUK ...So, you can see I am me out then, all I am seeing are instructions for wet on wet...on what basis have you reached the conclusion about my confusion?? ;)

Jamie Pearson

  • Posts: 3407
Re: Sealers - How Many Coats - Prize Question
« Reply #114 on: January 06, 2014, 08:25:37 pm »
I am referring to Chris's confusion.

I dont understand your confusion.

The only confusion is the confusion created by folk getting all confused which is now confusing me.

Rob Hall

  • Posts: 564
Re: Sealers - How Many Coats - Prize Question
« Reply #115 on: January 06, 2014, 11:05:10 pm »
I am referring to Chris's confusion.

I dont understand your confusion.

The only confusion is the confusion created by folk getting all confused which is now confusing me.

Can I just seal my floors like I have done for the last eleventeen years

chris scott

  • Posts: 3414
Re: Sealers - How Many Coats - Prize Question
« Reply #116 on: January 10, 2014, 07:44:55 pm »
Are we trying to forget about this  ;D
1200 views and nobody understands about how certain sealers are applied? Yet plenty of people are out there applying them.
Exterior cleaning specialists covering Merseyside,Lancashire and Cheshire. TEL 08000 933267

chris scott

  • Posts: 3414
Re: Sealers - How Many Coats - Prize Question
« Reply #117 on: January 15, 2014, 08:31:31 pm »
I nearly forgot about this...back to the top. Does anybody know how to apply impregnating sealers? I might have to go on Kevins coarse then.
Exterior cleaning specialists covering Merseyside,Lancashire and Cheshire. TEL 08000 933267

Rob Hall

  • Posts: 564
Re: Sealers - How Many Coats - Prize Question
« Reply #118 on: January 16, 2014, 06:50:18 am »
I nearly forgot about this...back to the top. Does anybody know how to apply impregnating sealers? I might have to go on Kevins coarse then.
It appears there is no way of applying other than what it says on your specific bottle Chris. Has the actual answer to the original post been give? What is the professionals answer to the problem? Is there a "wrong" way to apply an impregnating seal?
The answer be be only available by attending a course?? In that case, what a very clever original post...


  • Posts: 4777
Re: Sealers - How Many Coats - Prize Question
« Reply #119 on: January 17, 2014, 03:24:57 pm »
I only use one coat but might use several jumpers - I'm not as thick skinned as some  ;)

Chris - don't you ever get bored  ;D