So i am not so much of a muppet...I know it's debateable


Rob has been taught this method, I myself use this method. Aqua mix recommend this method in there sealers choice video (although as Kevin rightly points out could be marketing bull****)
DuPont's Bullet proof is applied this way. (DuPont should know a thing or two)
Our "skilled tile fixer " must have been thinking this way. As he applied the sealer "wet on wet".
Quote"put coat 2 on 24 hours after grouting starting at 9am and completed it by 10am and then he applied 3 more additional coats leaving 1-2 Hours between coats"
My mate in his shed uses this method.
So thats 6 of us ...Anybody else?
Quote "The second factor was the grout had not cured so that was still wet which exacerbated the problem"
Qoute "The guy is a skilled tile fixer as am I. Who mentioned wet substrate?"
Kevin you say the substrate was dry but the grouting wet. Surely if the grout is wet whats directly underneath it will also be wet/damp/contain high levels of moisture (bit like a wet dish cloth on a draining board

) ?
How long had the floor been laid before sealing commenced ?
How long do you generally leave tiled floors to dry before sealing (in cold weather with no heating?)