Had a good read through the forum but this is my first post .
Looking to start up a window cleaning round but a bit unclear on a few things , probably the same things everybody thinks about when they start up i suppose .
Going to work out of an estate car to start with so space will be limited , though i've taken the back seats out for more room , not a problem because there's only me to worry about . Anyway , what i was going to do was just basically get the traditional start up kit + ladders then simply knock doors and offer to clean windows , minimum fuss sort of thing . But i'm also wondering wether to save up (it'll take a while because i haven't got the cash yet) and get a van , WFP system, website , flyers - ie put a bit more thought into it before i start . Not sure either if December is a good time to start , probably isn't judging by some forum posts though at the same time i want to start soon as possible.
Live in a rural area so i'm not really going to get rows n rows of houses to fly through but at the same time there are some big old houses scattered about . Made a few enquiries about window cleaners currently about in the area and got a mixed response - so and so comes when he wants - so and so used to do it but doesn't now etc . So don't think there is a regular service . Not seen any advertised either .
Oh and it's probably worth mentioning i'm 43 with all the aches n pains that go with it !