Here is the hurricane heater , supposed to run on red diesel etc with no problems and be for for intermittent use .
I use to use one of them ITR diesel heaters. Heats the water to about 60 degrees. After a while the heater does start to produce smoke at the exhaust point. I use to run mine on red diesel from a separate small fuel tank solely to run red diesel for the heater.
Another option is a lot more complicated but uses similar principles by installing a twin coil indirect boat calorifier tank and you obtain the free heat from the van's radiator which is circulated through the twin coils inside the calorifier tank along the same principles as a glorified, well insulated radiator which heats up the stored DI water stored inside the calorifer.
You circulate the heated DI water from the calorifier to your wfp tank with a simple 12 volt pump to add more heat to your wfp tank which then pumps more replacement cold water back into the calorifer tank which can then be heated again. Only warning with this is you need car radiator hoses for the the pipes connected to the twin coil fittings as they get up to about 90 degrees. The heated DI water can easily reach 90 degrees if left running for a considerable time as well.
I have insulated all my hoses and my WFP tank so any heat put in my tank is about 80 percent retained over 24 hours. I don't use hot water anymore as I find 20-38 degrees is sufficient to remove most soiled windows quickly without the risk of cracking sealed window units in extremely cold winter months.
If you take the time to google heat sources there is a wealth of information there for the taking like I had to do quite a few years back.