The percentage of individuals in relative low income, Before Housing Costs
(BHC), was 16 per cent. This is unchanged from 2010/11 and continues the
lowest level since the 1980s. Levels remained static because, in the main, real
incomes for households near the bottom of the income distribution fell by roughly
the same rate as real incomes for households at the average.
In 2011/12, the percentage of individuals in absolute low income,
measured against the 2010/11 baseline, was 17 per cent BHC, which is one percentage
point, or 900,000 people, higher than in 2010/11. As incomes across the
distribution grew by less than RPI inflation in 2011/12, and the absolute low-
income threshold was uprated by RPI inflation, the population falling into
absolute low income rose.
ONS: near 50%
There really is some b****cks spouted on this site. Firemen claiming youll be in two serious fires in your lifetime (clue: You wont). People talking tripe about poverty.
Anyone would think we were just a bunch of thick window cleaners making up facts as we go along.