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paul bruce

Commercial oven cleaning
« on: March 10, 2006, 11:55:23 am »
 I own a domestic Oven cleaning company.
As i have lots of contacts in the catering trade ie Chinese/ Indian take aways and restaurants I am thinking of expanding into the cleaning of commercial ovens,could anyone advise if i would require food hygiene certificates etc.
Would insurance ( public & employer liability ) have to be upgraded ?

Any advice and guidance much appreciated.
Thanks in anticipation
Paul    (Newcastle upon Tyne)

keith b

  • Posts: 375
Re: Commercial oven cleaning
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2006, 08:01:50 pm »

Normally a food hygiene certificate only applies to food preperation/handing & serving staff.

It would be worth contacting you insurance company to consider upgrading your public liability insurance to £10 million.

On commerial cleaning of ovens, it maybe worth your while to see whats involved with duct & filter cleaning methods on a commercial scale, as i believe they have to be cleaned every few months or so for fire prevention reasons.

To get more info on these things, i would contact the "Health & Safety Executive" or the health & safety officer of your local council and ask them how they should cleaned and what else is involved.

good luck, let us know how you got on.


keith b