Neil, Luckily i know someone with vinyl cutter who did me van for free, so not able to comment on costs
My personal view is that you should not advertise prices otherwise no calls will come through for enquiries. I find that many people who call for qoutes (80-90%), go on and book the work. They are saying that after talking to me, it is apparent that i know what i am talking about. Some are saying that they ask questions about the proceedure and the person on the phone does not seem to understand the question let alone know the answer. (Thats apart from the company phones manned by someone who has english as a 2nd language)
I have gained work from telephone enquiries even after qouting higher prices, as a result of CHATTING.
My view is that if you are after quality work in quality homes and neighbourhoods, then your van must be smart and classy looking
(oooops .....that will start something). Less is more in my eyes and a nicely signed van will attract a lot of attention ..... without going to the extreme and making it look like an ICE CREAM VAN :
. My van is on 1st page of my website, take a peek, SIMPLE AND SMART..... does what it says on the tin, down to number plate ( that causes comments also
.) Check out as many websites as possible to get a larger number of ideas..............immitation is a form of flattery...........just do NOT copy exactly.