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Prepayment. If only....
« on: March 09, 2006, 04:00:31 pm »
A customer I did yesterday has just bought another property in Thailand.
He's renting out his place here, and moving over there for a year.  He wants me to continue cleaning his windows while he is away, and he is paying me 12 months payments in advance.
Great eh?

I wish it was more than £8 a time though :P
It's only a small bungalow, takes 5 mins.  Insists on giving me a cuppa everytime.  At least I'll get away quicker when he's gone.

Have you got any that pay 12 months in advance?

Chris Cottrell

  • Posts: 3162
Re: Prepayment. If only....
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2006, 04:08:27 pm »
not 12 months but 3 cleans in advance & £23 a time

Paul Coleman

Re: Prepayment. If only....
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2006, 04:39:53 pm »
A customer I did yesterday has just bought another property in Thailand.
He's renting out his place here, and moving over there for a year.  He wants me to continue cleaning his windows while he is away, and he is paying me 12 months payments in advance.
Great eh?

I wish it was more than £8 a time though :P
It's only a small bungalow, takes 5 mins.  Insists on giving me a cuppa everytime.  At least I'll get away quicker when he's gone.

Have you got any that pay 12 months in advance?

I did have a customer who paid me for 6 cleans up front while he went to stay in the USA.  He was a real gent.  In those days I did the round monthly rather than 6 weekly.  When he got back, I told him that I got a bit behind and that I had only managed 5 cleans.  He just told me to keep it and call it an Xmas tip.  This same guy paid me for 2 cleans up front when I had never even met him before.  I was out doorknocking in the early months and arranged to start cleaning for him the next day.  He gave me two cleans worth of money as he wasn't around that much.