It rained quite heavy most of yesterday, and today looks the same.
I cannot convince my domestic customers to let me clean the windows in the rain. They just won't have it.
Anyway, not many miles from me is Fenland, a vast area that is low lying, virtually sea level. It has been drained since Roman times, if not earlier. Fresh water! Hundreds of thousands if not millions of gallons a day! Most of which goes....where do you think? Back to the sea, via the river Great Ouse.
They should put a meter on that and charge the water companies involved, and distribute the money to the poor.
Better still, why don't they store it in reservoirs?
Some is recycled, but most just washed away!
Anyway, what was I saying?.....
Hmmmm...still raining......cuppa time...more water...
Too much tea...making me ramble....
That's an interesting word...ramble.... .