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L.Doubtfire - The Blade Runner

  • Posts: 822
Removing Tannin/Tea Stains off Flags.
« on: March 08, 2006, 06:44:25 pm »
Can anyone recommend a product for removing tannin or tea stains
Off concrete and stone flags,thanks for replies.

Lewis  Doubtfire.
L. Doubtfire
Window Cleaner

keith b

  • Posts: 375
Re: Removing Tannin/Tea Stains off Flags.
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2006, 07:46:22 pm »

One part household bleach to 10 parts hot water should do it, spread on and leave for a few minutes and then scrub with stiff broom, then wash with clean water.

other than that "patio cleaner" from Wilkinsons?

Do test first on small area before attempting the rest!

good luck