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we have had domestic cleans, but what do we charge for general office cleaning?inc vat if reg. i'm not yet.

£7 - £8+ pcph
£9 - £10+ pcph
£11 - £12+ pcph
£13+ pcph
job price not by the hour.

M Walker

  • Posts: 60
Re: office cleaning rates
« Reply #60 on: March 10, 2006, 06:52:46 pm »
Wow what a great thread I have enjoyed it imensly Not!! I thought this forum was dedicated to offering help and advice to all within our industry not bickering between ourselves.Who is better or who is best really I do not care I appreciatte all who have offered advice to me and enjoy surfing and reading the posts of others within the industry. I learn a lot but it is very sad to see people falling out we all have different ideas and methods of achieving the end result. Human nature makes us all slightly different.But back to the topic office cleaning rates I charge any where between £10.00 & £16.00 per man hour depending on the size of the job smaller = dearer. However these hours are only used in my calculations I d try whenever possible to quote for the job rather than quote for x amount of staff for x amount of hours otherwise I have found there are sometimes time issues regardless of the quality of service provided. Please do not critisise my post or my grammer I am only a trainee Expert but very willing to learn
Peace to all
Mark Walker
The Exeter Cleaning Company Ltd


Re: office cleaning rates
« Reply #61 on: March 10, 2006, 07:49:38 pm »
I agree with you Mark.

So it is with a heavy heart that I am going to bow out gracefully and not bother with this forum again.

You see Guys, when I first started using this forum it was in a period of 'semi-retirement' when I found that I couldn't leave the industry alone. I thought that after 25+ years doing the same thing (and quite successfully) I may have something to give and at least it would keep me involved in some way with the industry. Shortly after that CMS was formed.

Now, I know that I have got strong opinions (I think I'm long enough in the tooth to have earned it!) and your ideas might not always match mine but the personal abuse I am encountering on this forum makes me ashamed to be part of the industry.

I came on here to 'give'. I didn't really need to 'take' anything and I certainly shan't take that.

Yes - I've retaliated a little (I'm ashamed to say that I have lowered myself to the level of others) and anyone who knows me will know that that isn't really my scene.

For that reason I'm outa here.

I won't delete my membership because there are some amongst you who I would love to keep in touch with and my email address is on my profile.

Take care.

*Chris Browne

  • Posts: 863
Re: office cleaning rates
« Reply #62 on: March 10, 2006, 08:06:57 pm »
Karl, i think it would be a great loss to everyone on this forum if you decide (and i hope you have second thoughts) to not contribute any more invaluble posts, we have all said some stupid things on here and regreted it later but your positive advice as far outweighed any negative advice by a thousand miles.
We have also all retaliated to comments we think are right, thats only natural but looking back at your posts over the last 12 months or so, you know when your wrong and you say so.
I think there are many many people that have benefited from your advice, not let the opinion of 2 or 3 stop you from continuing.


M Walker

  • Posts: 60
Re: office cleaning rates
« Reply #63 on: March 10, 2006, 08:21:47 pm »
Well CMS that is a real shame I for one will miss your contributions. I must agree that you seem to have been targeted for your opinions which I think is somewhat unfair I have read all of your posts and others and can honestly say I see what has been happening for many years fighting between ourselves. I honestly believe the only way to get this industry into a competetive market is communication between ourselves and positive promotion of our services. It is not much of a surprise that some of the people and businesses that we work for consider our profession to be on the bottom rung. I hope none are here viewing these posts. On other forums I use once a topic gets out of hand a moderater steps in and shuts it down. I believe this should have happened to this thread some time ago constructive comments are always good for business even if we dont like them. But ultimatley each business is like a baby characteristic of its parents there is no shame in that.
Mark Walker
The Exeter Cleaning Company Ltd


  • Posts: 351
Re: office cleaning rates
« Reply #64 on: March 10, 2006, 09:43:32 pm »
CMS, I see your back on!

I agree with you Mark.

So it is with a heavy heart that I am going to bow out gracefully and not bother with this forum again.

You see Guys, when I first started using this forum it was in a period of 'semi-retirement' when I found that I couldn't leave the industry alone. I thought that after 25+ years doing the same thing (and quite successfully) I may have something to give and at least it would keep me involved in some way with the industry. Shortly after that CMS was formed.

Now, I know that I have got strong opinions (I think I'm long enough in the tooth to have earned it!) and your ideas might not always match mine but the personal abuse I am encountering on this forum makes me ashamed to be part of the industry.

I came on here to 'give'. I didn't really need to 'take' anything and I certainly shan't take that.

Yes - I've retaliated a little (I'm ashamed to say that I have lowered myself to the level of others) and anyone who knows me will know that that isn't really my scene.

For that reason I'm outa here.

I won't delete my membership because there are some amongst you who I would love to keep in touch with and my email address is on my profile.

Take care.

Why would I want to delete this, your calling me names, dont do it, you dont know me, i'm not a sad little man:

lmao @ pfwest.

What a sad little man............................. ;D

And their you are the big business tycoon coming out with things like that, I'm not so stupid CMS, Its not me that starts name calling people, when that person has all my details at hand.

If I did I could end up getting my fingers burnt.... ;D

I have got a life CMS, I'm not a loser!

I dont want you to leave the forum, you do make me laugh!  ;D ;D

Please dont leave!




  • Posts: 351
Re: office cleaning rates
« Reply #65 on: March 10, 2006, 09:47:45 pm »
I agree with you Mark.

So it is with a heavy heart that I am going to bow out gracefully and not bother with this forum again.

You see Guys, when I first started using this forum it was in a period of 'semi-retirement' when I found that I couldn't leave the industry alone. I thought that after 25+ years doing the same thing (and quite successfully) I may have something to give and at least it would keep me involved in some way with the industry. Shortly after that CMS was formed.

Now, I know that I have got strong opinions (I think I'm long enough in the tooth to have earned it!) and your ideas might not always match mine but the personal abuse I am encountering on this forum makes me ashamed to be part of the industry.

I came on here to 'give'. I didn't really need to 'take' anything and I certainly shan't take that.

Yes - I've retaliated a little (I'm ashamed to say that I have lowered myself to the level of others) and anyone who knows me will know that that isn't really my scene.

For that reason I'm outa here.

I won't delete my membership because there are some amongst you who I would love to keep in touch with and my email address is on my profile.

Take care.

Their, their or is it there, there, ive got my violin out.



Re: office cleaning rates
« Reply #66 on: March 10, 2006, 10:07:48 pm »
I've got to ask what I would like to read the megalomaniac ramblings of CMS or the antagonistic sad childish rubbish you have written.

Well, Karl wins.

If you do go CMS then it is a sad day indeed.

Why have you let these posts get to you.

Thanks for your advice, if you go I'm sure you and your input will be sorely missed by the experienced as well as the newbies.


  • Posts: 351
Re: office cleaning rates
« Reply #67 on: March 10, 2006, 10:15:24 pm »
I've got to ask what I would like to read the megalomaniac ramblings of CMS or the antagonistic sad childish rubbish you have written.

Well, Karl wins.

If you do go CMS then it is a sad day indeed.

Why have you let these posts get to you.

Thanks for your advice, if you go I'm sure you and your input will be sorely missed by the experienced as well as the newbies.

The newbie’s Garyj, your as bad as CMS, just because someone is a newbie, doesn’t mean they don’t have experience, so please don’t make assumptions about posters, newbie only means new to this forum.

He would be missed, like I said some of his posts are very funny.



Re: office cleaning rates
« Reply #68 on: March 10, 2006, 10:24:04 pm »
Oh well,

Are you going to share your costings spreadsheet with us?


  • Posts: 351
Re: office cleaning rates
« Reply #69 on: March 10, 2006, 10:43:22 pm »
Oh well,

Are you going to share your costings spreadsheet with us?

You can buy it and all proceeds will go to my chosen charity, now who's being antagonistic.




Re: office cleaning rates
« Reply #70 on: March 10, 2006, 10:55:36 pm »
I was being sincere  :o

That was me being nice.

You're the new CMS.


  • Posts: 351
Re: office cleaning rates
« Reply #71 on: March 10, 2006, 11:03:02 pm »
yea right!

Well do you wanna buy it Garyj? its only £2.00, ok £1.50 to you,, this years charity is: space cadets...

Better not..

CMS might have a copyright on it, afterall it was his invention... :o

oooohhhhh god,, better watch what i'm saying, he might get the hump!! ;D

and leave the forum,, again.


M Walker

  • Posts: 60
Re: office cleaning rates
« Reply #72 on: March 10, 2006, 11:06:29 pm »
I agree with you Gary but I am afraid that I think constructivley CMS had far more to offer. This is very bad for this forum but CMS has gone why than have we now got to deal with Mr Pf wests rantings I suppose I have probabley made myself a target but lets get one thing straight I aint no expert nor am I better than any one else my grammer is not perfect either. And nor am I but I can see foolishness in bundles on this thread I will leave it up to you to decide who the fools are.
Mark Walker
The Exeter Cleaning Company Ltd


Re: office cleaning rates
« Reply #73 on: March 10, 2006, 11:15:50 pm »
Being a target is OK. Its fun for some of us, and at times I ask for it.
For all his faults, Karl was sincere and a valued member. I don't think he should have been targeted.
He would have made a good mod, when was the last time Woodman  looked in on the forum??


  • Posts: 351
Re: office cleaning rates
« Reply #74 on: March 10, 2006, 11:18:55 pm »
Hi Mr Walker,

Dont worry, CMS hasnt gone, he was logged on here at 2259hrs, its now 2315hrs he might have gone to bed.

I might rant Mr Walker, but please think about your posts, it is nice if members can understand them.


Mr PF West.

PS. I dont pretend to be perfect either, because i'm not.

PPS. if you dont want CMS to leave tell him that you love him,,, it might work ;D ;D ;D ;D



Re: office cleaning rates
« Reply #75 on: March 10, 2006, 11:23:26 pm »
Love you CMS  :-*


Re: office cleaning rates
« Reply #76 on: March 10, 2006, 11:24:02 pm »
Bet he won't be back now  :)

M Walker

  • Posts: 60
Re: office cleaning rates
« Reply #77 on: March 10, 2006, 11:28:13 pm »
No matter I do not understand you either Why dont we have a poll on who the members prefer that would be interesting  for both CMS and yourself  :P
Mark Walker
The Exeter Cleaning Company Ltd


Re: office cleaning rates
« Reply #78 on: March 10, 2006, 11:30:47 pm »
Mark, your not AJ are you  ;D ;D

Re: office cleaning rates
« Reply #79 on: March 10, 2006, 11:33:36 pm »
Mark, your not AJ are you ;D ;D

Gary, I am watching you!!!