Having used a canvasser this summer i have to say i like the way Becci said she can advise but the customer is always right.
My canvasser who was recommended (but also told is a numpty, but gets good work) gave me his advice, said how he felt things should be done etc. Listened to what i wanted to offer, then did what he wanted.
The main gripe being that he said i should not offer anything less than 8 weekly cleans.
I wanted to offer 4 - 8 ..one off cleans etc.....basically on the doorstep, see what the customer wants and try to work with it. After plenty of arguments over many things we parted ways, the main thing was he would not accept that on the doorstep he is representing my company, my ways of cleaning etc.....and that i paid his wages. Same as my customers pay mine.
He tried to make out it is something really hard to do. Yes there are different methods, but at end of the day its a numbers game and confidence to knock the doors or pick up the phone. I only used him because i needed to build a round fast and hadnt enough spare time myself.
Might have gone slightly off topic, but i do think we can all give our advice to people or say how we run our companies. But end of the day my company, becci's, whizz.......we all run them how we want to run them.