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Wayne Quinney

  • Posts: 40
H&S :Truck mount access, can anyone help?
« on: March 07, 2006, 06:27:49 pm »
Hi all

We have been asked to provide a quote for a 6 monthly clean of the gutters of some apartments. The front of the property is only three floors, where the back is five. I expect to use a truck mount with operator, however the front of the property is right on the roadside and therefore public footpath. We would have be working over the footpath. They also want some panelling water fed polling and i am concerned about the water falling on to the pavement as well as the fact we are reaching over a footpath.

we have only ever worked with powered access on privatly owned premesis where thare has been no issues. i would really appreciate some help, where do you think we stand on this?




  • Posts: 1500
Re: H&S :Truck mount access, can anyone help?
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2006, 06:35:13 pm »
I think you will need to speak to your council to get permission to barrier off the footpath whilst working from the lorry, we did this on a job in my town centre and we had to do it on a sunday.

Re: H&S :Truck mount access, can anyone help?
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2006, 07:49:02 pm »
after gaining the permission from the council as previously mentioned, just bollard the pedestrians around your truck.
we used to do a job in bristol that we abseiled and the road went under the building in two lanes, we had to do it on the weekend and shut off a lane at a time. never actually got permission to close lanes but as we had very large signs placed at all the right distances it looked the part and nobody ever questioned a thing ::)


  • Posts: 951
Re: H&S :Truck mount access, can anyone help?
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2006, 06:06:44 pm »
They also want some panelling water fed polling and i am concerned about the water falling on to the pavement as well as the fact we are reaching over a footpath.

If the public are being redirected via bollards etc, there's no great problem. There will probably be no more water left on the pavement by the time you've gone, than what's left after a burst of rain.

However, in the winter, carry a bag of rocksalt just in case you need to de-ice if it's frosty. To be really ahead of the pack, get an anemometer (wind meter) to check for windchill.

So far, cos I searched, only rosskesava has ever mentioned an anemometer, but no-one's mentioned a wind meter. That'll be a fiver, thanks.
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