I recently used a well known telesales company from this forum and would like to give my
personal opinion on the service they provided.
Prior to booking the service lots of emails and answers to questions lots of positive feedback on how much work they obtained ,etc,etc.
Booked a four hour session end result one Hotel.
I go to quote it to be told by the owner he had used two different companies wfp and because the windows and frames
were in poor condition they both had to come back twice!!
This was fed back to the telesales service.
After some thought and further emails and conversations decided to bite the bullet and go for another session.
This time a local Town Council and a large Doctors Surgery.
All good me thinks until I attend the Town Council Building to be told to price a clean but they have no money in their budget for it! Then the doctors surgery which is a 3 storey building I know well.
The contact there tells me the quote was to be for a front door and the adjoining window
Now I do accept that Rome was not built in a day and you have to be in it to win it.
However the results for this service I used was a big fat zero.
So I would like to pass on to folk that just because someone appears to be doing well for some companies it is not always the case.
Think very carefully before parting with your money and wasting your time using this type of service.
Oh and email responses dry up when you say you will not be using the service again.
I may have just been unlucky but me thinks not.