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gary mcd

reasons for cancellations
« on: September 17, 2013, 12:53:46 pm »


Over the last five, six months been converting customers to wfp. Though the vast majority are happy there are a few who have cancelled after having them cleaned by wfp without compliant for months now.

I get the feeling it's due to the speed at which you can clean the windows, and the customer not thinking their getting their moneys worth because of it.

I've asked customers if their windows where clean and they said yes, they just don't like the pole. Some even suggested they can do it themselves by hosing the windows down. The majority of these customers are in a small estate, perhaps this is something to do with it, i.e. bad mouthing about it to one another.

Anyway just wondering if anybody has an opinion on this?


  • Posts: 601
Re: reasons for cancellations
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2013, 01:14:36 pm »
Changing a round from trad to wfp you are always going to get a few that don't like the new system even if you do a good job. If you've managed to keep the majority then I wouldn't worry too much, just get out and find replacement customers that are happy to have them wfp'd.

gary mcd

Re: reasons for cancellations
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2013, 04:13:38 pm »
Yeah that's true, its just annoying when they don't have a good reason other than being petty and/or jealous. If I was doing a bad job then fair enough.

As you say go out and replace them.



  • Posts: 5602
Re: reasons for cancellations
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2013, 06:54:19 pm »


Over the last five, six months been converting customers to wfp. Though the vast majority are happy there are a few who have cancelled after having them cleaned by wfp without compliant for months now.

I get the feeling it's due to the speed at which you can clean the windows, and the customer not thinking their getting their moneys worth because of it.

I've asked customers if their windows where clean and they said yes, they just don't like the pole. Some even suggested they can do it themselves by hosing the windows down. The majority of these customers are in a small estate, perhaps this is something to do with it, i.e. bad mouthing about it to one another.

Anyway just wondering if anybody has an opinion on this?

canvass clean cull............move on

Re: reasons for cancellations
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2013, 09:02:43 pm »
I just cannot understand a custy not wanting W F P due it going to fast and yet they drive is cars and not ride on horse back. Them I would to like hear the mechanic been told what tools to use for the job on there cars. Or telling the doc to patch up your cancer but no kemo. Its because they thing they know our job, and in that case why don`t they clean there own flipping  windows themselves, if they know it all. ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???


Re: reasons for cancellations
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2013, 09:04:57 pm »
I just cannot understand a custy not wanting W F P due it going to fast and yet they drive is cars and not ride on horse back. Them I would to like hear the mechanic been told what tools to use for the job on there cars. Or telling the doc to patch up your cancer but no kemo. Its because they thing they know our job, and in that case why don`t they clean there own flipping  windows themselves, if they know it all. ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
It is because some customers think that a wc shold be earning no more than beer money/pittance and when they do the maths they see that it is not the case. Dump them.

gary mcd

Re: reasons for cancellations
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2013, 11:20:12 pm »
Totally agree.

What the customers don't realise is how much time and effort, not to mention money we put into making window cleaning a respectable business, instead of the stereotype w/c only turning up to do their windows when they are looking for beer money.

Think they want it all, cheap, reliable and professional. Unfortunately professional doesn't come cheap.


  • Posts: 17015
Re: reasons for cancellations
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2013, 11:28:15 pm »
I think there's still the idea in some areas that window cleaning is money for old rope and that having windows cleaned costs just a few quid and takes 'x' amount of time.

Around Brighton I often get conflicting comments. One bloke I quoted last week who was quite well off thought my £20 quote for his four bedroom semi was cheap yet someone on Monday huffed and puffed in shock and horror at £15 for his first floor flat which meant me having to move the van to do the back windows. When I asked him what price he expected, he said about a fiver.

Just chant..... Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. It's beats chanting Tory Tory or Labour Labour.

Re: reasons for cancellations
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2013, 08:06:33 pm »
Fiver My,............ what can you buy for  fiver.Jack sh.... I told a customer the other day what my van has set me back. He was shocked.I  said to him two of my pole cost me  Grand, for plastic  he said.Another customer  said," you have got me by the shorts because he could not reach his windows.


  • Posts: 2098
Re: reasons for cancellations
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2013, 12:49:31 am »
Some customers are so narrow minded with me like when im collecting they will say "going to the boozer tonight ?"
Or "is it that time again? Im paying you to much"
Or "do you have many customers then? When i tell them there face drops!


  • Posts: 7887
Re: reasons for cancellations
« Reply #10 on: September 19, 2013, 07:02:40 am »
Had a customer email yesterday with a cancellation reason given was lost job so cutting back for now.

None of this you do a crap job, scares the dog gerbil hamster snake wife kids, dont like the noise it makes etc etc etc.

So impressed with his honesty felt like doing them for free till he gets back on his feet - well almost  ;D

Re: reasons for cancellations
« Reply #11 on: September 19, 2013, 09:06:42 am »
Some customers are so narrow minded with me like when im collecting they will say "going to the boozer tonight ?"
Or "is it that time again? Im paying you to much"
Or "do you have many customers then? When i tell them there face drops!

Why does their face drop??


  • Posts: 2098
Re: reasons for cancellations
« Reply #12 on: September 19, 2013, 09:39:19 am »
Some customers are so narrow minded with me like when im collecting they will say "going to the boozer tonight ?"
Or "is it that time again? Im paying you to much"
Or "do you have many customers then? When i tell them there face drops!

Why does their face drop??
Because they expect we just do 10 houses for beer money ha


  • Posts: 8493
Re: reasons for cancellations
« Reply #13 on: September 19, 2013, 11:22:58 am »
Had a customer email yesterday with a cancellation reason given was lost job so cutting back for now.

None of this you do a crap job, scares the dog gerbil hamster snake wife kids, dont like the noise it makes etc etc etc.

So impressed with his honesty felt like doing them for free till he gets back on his feet - well almost  ;D

Got that 'lost my job' story a couple of years ago from a customer's husband so we no longer need your services.

I bumped into his son in the street a short time after and asked if his Dad had managed to find a new job yet. Son said he was still working at the same place and looked perplexed.

Later his wife, who originally asked us to clean them, asked my son to start again. Husband has never stepped out of line since.  ;D
Success is 1% inspiration, 98% perspiration and 2% attention to detail!

The older I get, the better I was ;)