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Paul H

  • Posts: 878
Cleaners or Cleaning - Your thoughts
« on: September 16, 2013, 02:58:34 pm »

In your business / operating name do you go for cleaners or cleaning??


abc window cleaners


abc window cleaning

just curious on views as I,m changing (thinking) of going from cleaning services, to window cleaners.... then got thinking should I go with window cleaning???

tedious I know but the devil is in the detail



  • Posts: 5602
Re: Cleaners or Cleaning - Your thoughts
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2013, 03:05:13 pm »
WCS...window cleaning services


  • Posts: 7887
Re: Cleaners or Cleaning - Your thoughts
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2013, 03:30:05 pm »
Cleaning is a verb or action word whereas cleaners is an adjective so a decriptive word so I would go with the former over the latter

Paul H

  • Posts: 878
Re: Cleaners or Cleaning - Your thoughts
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2013, 03:39:01 pm »
WCS...window cleaning services

That's the thing I want the services but dropped ....

Paul H

  • Posts: 878
Re: Cleaners or Cleaning - Your thoughts
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2013, 03:41:47 pm »
Cleaning is a verb or action word whereas cleaners is an adjective so a decriptive word so I would go with the former over the latter

Ok I get that ... At the minute I prefer cleaners .. I know it's a play on words and either or will be as good as the other and someone searching either option will come across me regardless... just a stupid thing that's posing me a dilemma


  • Posts: 3547
Re: Cleaners or Cleaning - Your thoughts
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2013, 05:27:02 pm »
I changed my name from Southern Cleaning Services to Iconic Window Cleaning a couple of years ago. In my opinion Window Cleaning is better.

Andy  ;)


  • Posts: 6100
Re: Cleaners or Cleaning - Your thoughts
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2013, 05:33:53 pm »
Cleaning is a verb or action word whereas cleaners is an adjective so a decriptive word so I would go with the former over the latter

Ok I get that ... At the minute I prefer cleaners .. I know it's a play on words and either or will be as good as the other and someone searching either option will come across me regardless... just a stupid thing that's posing me a dilemma

Cleaners is plural.
Is there more than one cleaner in your business or are you on your own?
One of the Plebs


  • Posts: 4393
Re: Cleaners or Cleaning - Your thoughts
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2013, 05:46:56 pm »
Window cleaners is better
Takings off all first cleans till march 7th 2014
October  total=  cleaned  extra per month
November = cleaned extra per month
Total £  so far.

Paul H

  • Posts: 878
Re: Cleaners or Cleaning - Your thoughts
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2013, 07:15:04 pm »
Cleaning is a verb or action word whereas cleaners is an adjective so a decriptive word so I would go with the former over the latter

Ok I get that ... At the minute I prefer cleaners .. I know it's a play on words and either or will be as good as the other and someone searching either option will come across me regardless... just a stupid thing that's posing me a dilemma

Cleaners is plural.
Is there more than one cleaner in your business or are you on your own?

I know what you're saying andy ... Would that matter though? ...

my intuition is sending me down the window cleaners route ... Not sure why an I know it's a total play on wording but thinking that's the way for me....

maybe it's cos more are named "whatever cleaning "  does it really matter though ... Just a niggly thing


  • Posts: 6100
Re: Cleaners or Cleaning - Your thoughts
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2013, 07:22:20 pm »
I don't think it really matters what you call your business.
Flash names and signage only serve to stroke an individuals ego in my opinion.
Just as long as people know what you do, that's all that matters.
One of the Plebs

Paul H

  • Posts: 878
Re: Cleaners or Cleaning - Your thoughts
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2013, 07:34:11 pm »
I don't think it really matters what you call your business.
Flash names and signage only serve to stroke an individuals ego in my opinion.
Just as long as people know what you do, that's all that matters.

Couldn't agree more .. That's why I'm having a slight tweak, and I guess at a glance when someone sees the van , printed workwear etc... I want them to quickly see what we do ... 

To the point where I'm thinking of not even having contact number on the van,

Just our title , and website which is just the title

G Griffin

  • Posts: 40745
Re: Cleaners or Cleaning - Your thoughts
« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2013, 11:15:35 pm »
Cleaning is a verb or action word whereas cleaners is an adjective so a decriptive word so I would go with the former over the latter

Ok I get that ... At the minute I prefer cleaners .. I know it's a play on words and either or will be as good as the other and someone searching either option will come across me regardless... just a stupid thing that's posing me a dilemma

Cleaners is plural.
Is there more than one cleaner in your business or are you on your own?

Shouldn't windows be plural, then?
You are cleaning more than one window  ;D.

Paul H

  • Posts: 878
Re: Cleaners or Cleaning - Your thoughts
« Reply #12 on: September 17, 2013, 07:19:11 am »
Cleaning is a verb or action word whereas cleaners is an adjective so a decriptive word so I would go with the former over the latter

Windows cleaners it is then ... Sorted  ;D
Ok I get that ... At the minute I prefer cleaners .. I know it's a play on words and either or will be as good as the other and someone searching either option will come across me regardless... just a stupid thing that's posing me a dilemma

Cleaners is plural.
Is there more than one cleaner in your business or are you on your own?

Shouldn't windows be plural, then?
You are cleaning more than one window  ;D.


  • Posts: 25984
Re: Cleaners or Cleaning - Your thoughts
« Reply #13 on: September 17, 2013, 07:29:11 am »
It's a game of three halves!


Re: Cleaners or Cleaning - Your thoughts
« Reply #14 on: September 17, 2013, 07:34:46 am »
I'm ERITH WINDOW CLEANING at the moment but I'm thinking about changing it to just ERITH CLEANING next year because i'm looking at adding other services.


Paul H

  • Posts: 878
Re: Cleaners or Cleaning - Your thoughts
« Reply #15 on: September 17, 2013, 08:01:42 am »

Would that be windows lickers ! Lol