Had a few good comments but dont know how to multiquote so I'll try to answer you all in 1 thread
Mick Id love a 1st class knocking crew, but alas as we all know canvassers are a nightmare, add in these factors the long travelling days, weeks away etc everyone I take on has to literally be with me 24 hours a day. I also found everytime I take on a new person the quality of the work suffers, or worse still after 3 months they set up rival firms which has happened to me twice out off 5 canvassers taken on. I am actively looking for people but I dont want to go job centre route as you just get so many calls it takes your focus of knocking, Gumtree is pretty poor just get crack pots ringing up chatting for 45 minutes then no showing. There are some good people out there and I will find them.
Lyndy sorry I got you mixed up, had 3 or so enquirees in your area over last 4 months or so, I thought you may have been the chap who was selling his round in Leicester and relocating. Bear me in mind for next year but again the slots filling fast.
Smithie, yes I do canvass for other services via my other marketing company F.M.N Marketing to be fair thou I havnt really pushed that firm so much over the last 3 years as this has kept me so busy. Via F.M.N marketing I undertook campaigns for google, mastercard, dental practices, home improvement firms, Solar power firms and the like. I do feel that over 15 years of direct sales experience I can pretty much go to a door with any product or service and pull deals in. Its a very transferable skill. What service were you considering ?
Lee, well I just spoke to Lee on the phone and he just echoed exactly the kind of story Im hearing all the time about this essex knocking crew.
Well I hope I managed to get everyone covered and if anyone knows how to multi quote that would be cool