Now IF I didn't know any better I could swear I can hear the sound of a troll or two...
Or if not, is the wildly off thread muttering now become "all firebobbies sleep at work and have a doddle of a job"? Which I assume the arguement follows that it makes them lazy. Then surely having a second job is the antithesis of laziness. I couldnt do their job, nor could I be a squaddie, although having mates who have done both jobs during I've found during beery chats its apparant they know the score and that both jobs have an element of being a sit-off at certain times. Just like the job of putting wet stuff on glass and taking it off again (or not if you're wfp) or cleaing soffits for nice wads of cash. Whether its part-time, full-time or whatever it is horses for courses. If a job is so easy and well paid we'd all be mugs not to sign up for it. I mean, if they sleep all night, play darts and snooker and save hunnies what have got their toes stuck in the bath tap I'll sign up for that. How hard can it be?
In answer to the long forgotten op, while you start up you've gotta take the p.i.t.a custies that mess around but the moment you find you don't need 'em, dump them. Don't even waste your time telling them why as it isn't worth the grief. Winter always gives way to spring and the chance to cherry pick better work from anyone who doesnt do a good enough job, or has no idea how to be polite and customer orientated. Cleaning aint rocket science, get it right and stay on the good side of custies and you wont go far wrong.