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  • Posts: 167
wfp DIY or over the shelf?
« on: March 06, 2006, 08:09:16 am »
I am thinking of changing over to wfp in the near future.I have been reading alot  of the forum posts and am i right in thinking that alot of you guys have put your systems together yourselves. I was quoted £6000 for a reach and wash system, it was well made did a good job and had the backing of a large company. Which way to go? DIY/over the shelf! Any thoughts would be most welcome.Also is there anyone near Eye(suffolk) who would be prepared to show their wfp system in use.

Chris Cottrell

  • Posts: 3162
Re: wfp DIY or over the shelf?
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2006, 12:51:26 pm »

give me a call i'm in Diss
I went down the diy route

Also fill in your profile you're a bit anon :)


Grafters Cleaning Services

  • Posts: 1287
Re: wfp DIY or over the shelf?
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2006, 02:54:21 pm »
much cheaper
From Southampton

Alex Gardiner

  • Posts: 7740
Re: wfp DIY or over the shelf?
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2006, 05:30:29 pm »
Hi There,

It really depends how much work you are prepared to do yourself and how much money you want to spend.

There are 3 ways;
Off the shelf (expensive)
Full DIY (cheap but time consuming)
or buy a DIY self-assemble package (cheap and minimal set up time)

Check out the section 'how to get started with a pole system' on our website it will talk you through many of the choices you will need to think about before investing


P @ F

  • Posts: 6312
Re: wfp DIY or over the shelf?
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2006, 08:56:34 pm »
GO DIY , I built my own , full system 3 sizes of poles , every thing to get going came to £1200 , and that was before i found this site , knowing what i know now , icould do it even cheaper !

   RICH  p @ f
I'm so lazy I'm getting tired of it !

Allways Cleaning

  • Posts: 216
Re: wfp DIY or over the shelf?
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2006, 09:21:21 pm »
Hi, buy system allready made. Nearly all design probs sorted out. All you have to do is stump up the lolly. Then wait and wait and wait for delivery.
Mine should be here soon. Probably. Maybe. When i have got it and given it a good trial I would be pleased to give you my very honest view.

I look forward to that day and providing all with my overall impression of the total service from order to delivery and use (any problems etc)

I must admit i started going the diy route but would have had to order from different sites comparing prices like you do. Ah well must admit would have been quicker.

Good Luck

this is a great site  8)


  • Posts: 2854
Re: wfp DIY or over the shelf?
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2006, 09:26:37 pm »
off the shelf does not cost that much more, and the problem with DIY you spend a good time at DIY shops or weekends fixing things for the next work, I have off the shelf systems and I dont do a thing to it apart from fill it up and change the filters every 4 months, frees up my time for spending time getting more work and time with family.

Have a look here you will find off the self systems a lot cheaper than 6k ;)



  • Posts: 167
Re: wfp DIY or over the shelf?
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2006, 08:09:42 am »
Thanks for all the posts so far. Still not made my mind.But will be going wfp soon.


  • Posts: 2986
Re: wfp DIY or over the shelf?
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2006, 08:45:29 am »
As Poleman says, off the shelf doesn't have to be expensive, you can be up and running for a TOTAL outlay of no more than £1,200 to £1,500.

There is a link in one of the other posts for Gardiners, these sites will give you some idea of the outlay needed.
The big boys at Ionics and Omnipole and so on all do really top systems, but they are not cheap.

It really depends on the depth of your pocket.

If you are into DIY then go that route, for a few hundred quid you can be set up and ready to go, but it does take effort.

Matt's DIY site is a very useful guide, taking you by the hand and leading you through this route.

If you CAN afford it, then go for a ready made system, what you eventually go for will then depend on where you live (Flat, house, do you have a garden, how for you are from your water supply and so on) and the type of work you have.

You have the choice of backpack, trolley system, trailer system of van mount...or a combination of all three!!

Take your time, there is a bewildering set of choices to be made :-\



Re: wfp DIY or over the shelf?
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2006, 10:42:50 am »


  I went the DIY route and I think its the best thing that I have done, going that
  route I must have saved £3k against buying a system from the likes of Ionics.
  It was time consuming and the biggest problem I found was getting the right
  connectors etc.. In the end I have a system that is designed around my work
  and I am still tweeking it here and there.

  The plus benefit is that when things go wrong you know how to fix it, often
  enough it is the simpliest of things that you can fix straight away.

  You need to test your water first to find out what type of system you need to 
  build. There is lot of info on this site to help you and the guys on here are
  great for any info required.

  Gardnerpolesystems do a good package if you want to source all your parts
  from one supplier.

  My advise go the DIY route you will have great fun, can be tedious at times but
  in the long run the results are the same as buying a £3k system.



  • Posts: 960
Re: wfp DIY or over the shelf?
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2006, 11:28:59 am »
i went the full hog and went for the reach and wash £23000......00 wow but no problems it does what it says on the tin . i now have a new van with the signs and logos but...but my business has totally changed we are no longer just the window cleaner we are someone with intelligence!no what i mean, plus we clean conservatory roofs cladding any window is poss etc etc. Mondays first job was a pub clean windows normally but the reach & wash did the cladding so £95.00 instead of £25.00 hope u get my drift with the van and reach &wash i get a lot more work that we want to do. no more houses under £10.00 anymore and the best bit is we enjoy going to work again especially when we are making a lot more money i hope this helps . It might help to know we use the Thermo Pure i think it is fantastic it definitely dries much much faster which is a plus when waiting for the upstairs to stop dripping down. Would i buy it again definitely Edd


  • Posts: 682
Re: wfp DIY or over the shelf?
« Reply #11 on: March 07, 2006, 02:48:08 pm »
essentially pure has just realeased a 350 liter  five stage boostered r/o system with a fill rate of about 150-180 liters an hour the package has speedlining on a small van a single multi pole for 1st flor and ground floor it comes all split charged into the alternator with an eco flow control switch for flow control an 100 psi pump for delievery . dual in line tds meter and a cut of switch to tanks . with 100 meter micro bore hose reel . includes fitting charges as well .

the cost is £2500.00 plus vat .

you dont allways need large tanks and for the small individual this is a good product as its good at water production running cost filter every other month and resin dependant on ussage every six months waste ratio on this r/o is about 75 keep to 25 waste
01435 873555      07944772635  pictures available
Essentially Pure Ltd


  • Posts: 19
Re: wfp DIY or over the shelf?
« Reply #12 on: March 07, 2006, 08:22:01 pm »
PM me for details,i made mine 1000l system less than 1200 all in problem free from day 1 i promise.
All the systems use virtually the same stuff with fancy stickers on it. i reckon the people telling you to buy a pre made system are salesmen or people that  already have brought one.
Save your money and have a holiday.
All the parts have a 12 month guarantee so what can go wrong.

Re: wfp DIY or over the shelf?
« Reply #13 on: March 09, 2006, 09:52:50 pm »
why not go to the builders merchant buy some bricks, morta, window and a door or two then find land and build house on it!


go to a metal stockist buy a sheet of metal and make your own car!

Some people will 90% wont

which is right or wrong

neither but that dosent mean either should be slagged off manufacturers spend thousands on designing, testing and marketing there machines and this dosent just apply to the pole industry.

if its simple to build a machine thats because manufacturers have done all the hard work!

skypole systems