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benny d

  • Posts: 706
Advice on the charge for this job
« on: March 05, 2006, 10:05:13 pm »
Hi all,
I did a job on Friday afternoon for a lady whos carpets I cleaned in her house  about 6 months ago. But this was at her work premises. The loo had overflowed and soaked their downstais toilet area, a small kitchen area and a hallway about 15ft by 4 ft. It stank to bits when we got there. I used a air mover and we dried the concrete floor and the hard wearing carpet and cleaned the rear and top of the carpet as we could pull it out. The rear was obviously soaked. I used odour kill after. We left it as good as was possible. The job from front door to front door for 2 of us was about 2 1/2 hours approx.

She said charge what you like to the company, but i dont want to either under or overcharge, or give her the hump.
Any advise on what in your opinions would be the approx cost?
Tnx in advance
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Re: Advice on the charge for this job
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2006, 10:32:00 pm »
Has to be your decision, ultimately and you are likely to get a pretty wide range of prices on here.................

Because of the additional soiling and soaking, it would be reasonable to charge double your normal rate................ presumably have an hourly rate, which you would, on this occasion, be multiplied by 5

rob m


Re: Advice on the charge for this job
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2006, 07:59:19 am »
Ben, I am not going to comment on pricing cos it will start a war. However 2 or 3 times your normal rate wouldnt be too far off....... My biggest question to you is did you clean and seal the concrete floor before you put the carpet back? Best, Dave.


  • Posts: 1945
Re: Advice on the charge for this job
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2006, 08:14:30 am »
hi there

this sounds like a black water flood, and therefore ideally all of the carpet should have been disposed of , and then all hard floors, extracted and microsan applied, and ideally 6" up all the walls aswell.

i dont know what your hourly rate is but  i know what we charge for that sort of thing, and its not cheap.




  • Posts: 1945
Re: Advice on the charge for this job
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2006, 08:16:07 am »
you ve got mail



Ian Gourlay

  • Posts: 5748
Re: Advice on the charge for this job
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2006, 08:35:17 am »

Why do you not share your emails?

The question was asked so that we could all gain knowledge .

I do realise you have recentley become the flood expert for PE

but a few tips is hardley going to effect your company..

Karl Wildey

  • Posts: 781
Re: Advice on the charge for this job
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2006, 09:12:23 am »
Its a flood job so general charged per hour, not square yardage. You need to keep client happy not make as much money as posssible and run.
So I would charge two men at 2.5 hrs. (or 5 working hours).
Somewhere between £24.00 - £30.00 per hour.

Some will argue the price, but lets be fair here, you are not a flood expert, so need to charge a time for services, not experience in the field