Did you get her to source the numbers, or did you ask her to target specfic areas? what sectors did you find most successful?
We provided numbers and sectors for a short session (6hours) and no appointments were secured.
I was happy with her communication contact, was disappointed that now actual appointments were secured, although I am from a telesales background, so I know this can happen.
Although a spreadsheet is provided showing outcome of call - the guy i had used previoulsy did this and provided an "end of day" report with his findings/feelings on the campaign which I found very useful.
Would I use her again, yes I think I would give it one more go but would be interested from those that had success - did you leave her to source numbers and sectors, OR did provide with numbers or tell her what was to be targetted?
Mrs Smudger
Did you ask her for an end of day report?
If not then perhaps you should've...
Was there a reason given for no success on each call?
Of the unsuccesful calls made for me, she has put a reason (happy with current windie, done in house etc)
If there's reasons it sounds like you've just hit a dry patch.
Some contacts I have given her, some she has sourced herself.
As we all know, it's a numbers game...
Other than spamming the cold call is the only way to contact a business.
Some businesses just don't respond.
Some do.
Chin up and crack on...