Your excluded from this!
After a fungicidal wash we can use which is 'inert' once dry must state simliar on data sheet. This will be applied once the roof has been 'hard' washed and is purely to eliminate any remaining moss spores, To be honest I believe most are but we need this covered via manu data sheet - for one particular client !
I don,t understand the it a trick one
Are you after a solution to your particular problem? I did a quick calculation and the answer is 30lpm .
No Muppet

- I need a product which will kill spores but once dry leave no 'trace / residue' which may effect pets ie cats, clients pedigree cats are ninjas and gain access to the roof

Chris thks for email - Must say really fed up with the stuff i read ref Mossgo ! HS compliant my a*** how they get away with it is beyond me

All the photos I see contradict all working at heights regs. Why have they not been reported

Funny enough I spoke to a client today a friends roof was 'treated' using Mossgo, drift has killed nearby plants in a neighbors flower bed plus part of the lawn, currently trying to find out which contractor was responsible.