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Susan Dean (1stclean)

  • Posts: 2064
Re: New GrippaRack - Pole Rack
« Reply #40 on: August 15, 2013, 08:19:36 pm »
That's what I did when I first looked at the transit. But eventually found mysf upgrading various parts of the package which I couldn't resist. Good luck if u can. ;o)

cheap set up compeard to a truckmounted carpet cleaner you could add 25k more !

funny things this site as everybody to happy to mock the cheap window cleaner and rant on about this and that but are well happy to use the cheapest flow pipe for there van as its cheap !!! and knock something because it dear but does the same job ???

hang on a cheap window cleaners does the same job as a dear one ??? double standers ??

Uh? What are you talking about?

Saying that most carpet cleaners I've seen are rug munching hairy arsed dykes with tattoos, so why should we care?

What's a double stander? Is this a position adopted when inbreds have sex with their partner and his best mate at the same time?
pass matt ive never seen your wife or mother cleaning a carpet but ill lookout for them  and let you know


  • Posts: 8974
Re: New GrippaRack - Pole Rack
« Reply #41 on: August 15, 2013, 10:11:50 pm »
That's what I did when I first looked at the transit. But eventually found mysf upgrading various parts of the package which I couldn't resist. Good luck if u can. ;o)

cheap set up compeard to a truckmounted carpet cleaner you could add 25k more !

funny things this site as everybody to happy to mock the cheap window cleaner and rant on about this and that but are well happy to use the cheapest flow pipe for there van as its cheap !!! and knock something because it dear but does the same job ???

hang on a cheap window cleaners does the same job as a dear one ??? double standers ??

Not really.
It's like saying a Bentley does the same job as a Kia.
It will get you from a to b but its not the same.

£25k to clean carpets?!
Carpet cleaners and window cleaners everywhere round here.
Guess if people have £40k+ to spend on cleaning they go for carpets but if they've only got a few grand they have to settle for windows.
For that investment I'd want a grand a day on carpets.

What's your company called Susan-couldn't find you on companies house...

It's just the internet. Try not to worry.


  • Posts: 1048
Re: New GrippaRack - Pole Rack
« Reply #42 on: August 16, 2013, 08:40:58 am »
That's what I did when I first looked at the transit. But eventually found mysf upgrading various parts of the package which I couldn't resist. Good luck if u can. ;o)

cheap set up compeard to a truckmounted carpet cleaner you could add 25k more !

funny things this site as everybody to happy to mock the cheap window cleaner and rant on about this and that but are well happy to use the cheapest flow pipe for there van as its cheap !!! and knock something because it dear but does the same job ???

hang on a cheap window cleaners does the same job as a dear one ??? double standers ??

Not really.
It's like saying a Bentley does the same job as a Kia.
It will get you from a to b but its not the same.

£25k to clean carpets?!
Carpet cleaners and window cleaners everywhere round here.
Guess if people have £40k+ to spend on cleaning they go for carpets but if they've only got a few grand they have to settle for windows.
For that investment I'd want a grand a day on carpets.

What's your company called Susan-couldn't find you on companies house...

Bit stalky?