We were aproched by someone asking if we cleaned his area.
We didn't, but got chatting. His current WCer was doing a bad job.
Curious we asked who it was, he said he didn't know his name, but had a red van and a pole thingie.
We asked what the problem was. It seamed that the windows were no cleaner after than before.
His wife had to go round after to clean up after him. We wondered if this was because they didn't know that the windows were left to dry, rather than dried like the trad method.
We assured the guy that WFP's do work and that it was more than likely user error.
"He didn't do a good job before he got his pole"
Moral: A bad window cleaner will always be a bad window cleaner, if you can't see the mess you leave with your nose against the glass, you will not see the mess you leave 18' away!