Like I say, it has changed my entire view on how I'm going to live my life.
You've had an experience some would call it a 'spiritual experience' (to do with the human spirit; nothing 'woo woo'). William James wrote quite a famous book about these type of experiences and he describes them often as being transitory, a bit like alcohol or drugs.
In a years time you may have pretty much forgotten about what you've seen and just revert back to the old Dean. Maybe not though?
I also think that in the West we hide our dead in coffins, like they're something unclean or not to be seen. In other cultures that's not the case. Dan Worgan once stuck up some pics of his father-in-laws funeral in Indonesia; there they just laid him out for everyone to see. What a great reminder that our time on this planet is short, that we all die.
We all know we're going to die at an intellectual level, but at a heart level we don't really realise it. It seems from what you viewed, you understand that heart knowledge a lot deeper than what you did.
There's a meditation that some Buddhists do; it's a meditation on our death. We basically settle down and imagine ourselves dying. It's also a time to reflect on what are the really meaningful things we've done with our lives. Is it building a good business and making far more money than we need? Or is it something else? I know when I did this it had nothing to do with money or material wealth and everything to do with other people. The result should be we live our life better, putting our energy into the things that really matter, and letting go of the things that don't.
Knowing we're going to die, really knowing it at a level deeper than intellectual should be transforming; it should clarify what's important in life, and what's not.
I think you had a corking experience; hang onto it.