I'll put my ten pence in
When this was first posted I thought it was something else.
I don't like not knowing the ins and outs of people who I may deal with. I want to know the nitty gritty, I look on peoples websites to get a feel for them, where they are at and who they do it for.
This tends to give a gauge and is a good start (from my perspective), for me before I start a professional relationship. I do this with PLCs, the principal contractors and anyone else we may sub work from and to.
I am extremely cautious and don't want anyone wasting my time, I can do that myself - very well!!!
There isn't any of this with the Cleaning Club.
I have been contacted, via email initially and have had a telephone conversation and then further email communication, when I was asked to review the literature.
Some of my reservations have been dealt with but there are others outstanding. They wont be aired on here, they will be spoken about when I have a meeting next month.
I think I know what I am talking about, as far as cleaning large projects, how to handle clients and to get the best from any situation, with as much profit as possible.
My thoughts are that it is easy to believe that things are relevant at the level we work at, my level is not your level and the person behind this may have a different level. Some are further forward than others, we aren't better, we aren't worse. I am no better than anyone on here.
We are where we are at for various reasons, both personally and from a business perspective. These things can be changed but it is easy to think we are doing okay so why rock the boat. We gauge our success by our peers.
This is an online meeting point, we don't know the state of each others businesses, how well we are really doing and don't really know each other, some of us do.
If someone can introduce an idea or a way of working that could help our businesses to grow, to a level that is beyond our expectations and this person can give you the support to do this and make the difference then it may be worth a punt no matter how it is initially sold.
I have done some digging ( because I do this) and if it is who I think it is behind this then there 'could' be much to gain, for participants ( I could be wrong on who it is and what can be gained), I may be way off the mark and wont be divulging.
I didn't like the way it was initially presented but what have I to lose. Maybe I can take my business to a level that I aspire to, if I am only patient and I wait to see what happens!