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  • Posts: 571
Adding sections to Gardiner poles
« on: July 11, 2013, 12:43:59 pm »
Hi I tried getting advice on the phone but they were busy. Girl (very pleasant) rang back left message regarding the number sections I need but I still don't understand how it works - I'm a bit thick.
The SLX has a bottom section insulated so once you take that off you will need a "normal" section to replace it then another "normal" section depending on how many you need to add.
Then you have to have an end cap.
Surely you will then need a new insulated bottom section  to fit your tap on etc.
So if I want to extend about 10 feet I will need two sections and a insulated bottom section?
3 sections in all?
 ??? ??? ???

Alex Gardiner

  • Posts: 7740
Re: Adding sections to Gardiner poles
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2013, 01:09:13 pm »
Hi I tried getting advice on the phone but they were busy. Girl (very pleasant) rang back left message regarding the number sections I need but I still don't understand how it works - I'm a bit thick.
The SLX has a bottom section insulated so once you take that off you will need a "normal" section to replace it then another "normal" section depending on how many you need to add.
Then you have to have an end cap.
Surely you will then need a new insulated bottom section  to fit your tap on etc.
So if I want to extend about 10 feet I will need two sections and a insulated bottom section?
3 sections in all?
 ??? ??? ???

What you can get away with doing is to cut off you current end cap and then order 2 new extension sections (if you have an SLX25 then you need to order #6 & #7) and an end cap for the largest extension section (if the largest is the #7 you would need a #7 end cap). These sections will then slide on to the current pole and give it about 10ft extra. If you remove them at any time you would need to buy another replacement end cap for the one you cut off. With the new SLX Extension sections there is no need to worry about an insulated handle section as they are all insulated.

Whilst you can get away with the above, to achieve a full specification pole of the correct 10ft+ size, you would need to remove your current handle section and then add a spare section of the correct size (if SLX25 then a #5 spare section from an SLX35) and spare section of the next size up (if SLX25 then a #6 spare section from an SLX35) and then finally you can fit either a handle section from a larger pole (if SLX25 then a #7 section from an SLX35) or an extension section and cap of the correct size (if SLX25 then a #7 extension section and a #7 end cap. The advantage of this method is slightly improved rigidity over the first option. Other than this there is no advantage and it is slightly more expensive to achieve.

SLX extensions can be bought here -
SLX spare sections can be bought here -
SLX end cap spares can be bought here -
Longer hose packs for the new 10ft longer pole can be bought here -

When fitting and using new end caps for the first time it is worth dipping them in a cup of boiling water for about 30 seconds to soften them up to make them easier to fit.


  • Posts: 13421
Re: Adding sections to Gardiner poles
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2013, 03:35:37 pm »
Hi Alex

How is it the extension sections don't come with an end cap?

Never argue with an idiot, they will only bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience

Alex Gardiner

  • Posts: 7740
Re: Adding sections to Gardiner poles
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2013, 05:46:41 pm »
Hi Alex

How is it the extension sections don't come with an end cap?


They are designed to be used singly or in combination - hence not having an end cap pre-fitted. About 50% of purchasers so far have bought more than one size so only need the end cap for the largest one.

The end caps can readily be bought separately and are only £1.45 -