Hi Guys, All the products i have heard mentioned on this topic are caustic and corrosive based and will cause detrimental damage to your clients surfaces, I am only sharing this from my own experiences over the years, as i have to put my hand up i also used high alkaline based cleaners for many years but i could clearly see that these harsh cleaning chemicals were causing damage to my clients surfaces from continuous use. of course the companies supplying me with these harsh cleaning chemicals never warned me about the damage they could cause as they were only worried about the sale and their bottom line.
I got so fed up of not being able to find a safer cleaning solution that i went on a misson to find safer cleaning solutions, i came across a chemist in the USA who specialized in organic chemistry and he explained to me that if you want to use safe cleaning solutions on your clients surfaces just check the ph value which is stated on the msds of the cleaning product, he suggested that if the ph value is 10 or over its highly alkaline based and safer not to use these type harsh cleaning chemicals especially if they are over 10 on the ph scale. He also recommended staying away from harsh cleaning chemicals that had a ph value of 5.5 or under as these type cleaners are acidic based and can attack surfaces but again the ones that are under 5.5 are really harmful to surfaces. For many years now we have moved away from promoting or using any of these harsh cleaning chemicals, our preferred cleaning solutions now are based on colloidal micelles technology, one of this centuries most promising advances in environmental science.
these are non-caustic,non-corrosive, and non-toxic. so not only safer for your clients surfaces, but also for your own health and safety. if you google micelles cleaning technology you will find many reputable janitorial suppliers in the UK are stocking these safe cleaning solutions. I am sure there are also other janitorial suppliers also have safer cleaning technologies available in the UK other than the harsh cleaning chemicals which are available mainstream. I know some guys wont care what they use as long as it cleans just said i would share my own thoughts from having over 30 years experience in the industry, hope that they can be of benefit to some of you.