This morning...
knock knock - door opens.
<me> Hello, Mrs kennedy, it's David from Zap-Clean (blah blah)
<cust> er, my name is Barton.
<me...checking paperwork> er, oh, You're not Mrs Kennedy, at No 28.
<cust> No, but this is No 28. I don't know anyone called Mrs Kennedy.
<me> Ok, sorry to bother you, I must have the address wrong, I'll call them on the phone to check.
<cust>, Ok... Oh, while you're here can you quote to clean our suite, 4 chairs, 2metre rug, and HSL?
<me> Sure....
10 minutes later: new job booked for next Tuesday
Mrs Kennedy was at No 42? I was 10 minutes late
A great (lucky) result... which makes up for the bigger mess-up I made on Saturday, which is another story