Hi Mick,
good to hear it is going so well for you. I have a couple of boys door knocking for my wheelie bin service as well as doing windows.
We find that there are three answers when we ask the question, " Do you have a window cleaner".
1. Yes we do. - No worries, give them a leaflet just in case they change their mind
2. No - but we don't want one.
3. No - What do you offer.
Converting the answer number 3 is doable most of the time as we are pretty cheap. Number 1, we cant do much.
It is the number 2 answer that we find we can't convert at all. Does your canvassing method enable you to convert those ones, or is it really the answer number 3 that you look for? I know with the bins if they DIY then we can't convert any of them so it's no point even bothering. Is it the same with those that give an outright no I don't want/need one, even if there windows are filthy?
Any help appreciated as wanting to get better results from my boys on the doors.
Regards, Neil