Is it because the sun shining get asked to do silly jobs.
Custie asked me today would i clean the channels/grooves inside the windows (when you open window, were locking mechanism is)
Told her be there all day and then some don't have time for them jobs.
(did it once on a bungalow and took alot longer than expected).
What's the best answer to jobs you don't want.
Sorry my Insurance won't let me do that!
Also clean some static homes (glorified caravans without wheels!)
One customer asked me if i cleaned frames (do these trad)
Answered " give frames a wipe around" which i do.
Conversation ended up being a; want frames brought up near new but thought it would be twice-ish the price.
Charge them £7 so £14-£20 for upvc clean
Ended up in a debate about price method
some customers really are pushy.
What do you tough business men do.
Should i stop excepting cups of tea