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Tickled Pink Cleaners

  • Posts: 11
Shower doors driving me crazy!!
« on: June 17, 2013, 09:49:42 am »
morning all, does anyone know of a good product i could use on shower doors to remove water marks. I have tried a limescale remover leaving it to soak then scraping off the watermarks with a blade. This approach seems to take ages with not much affect. Any help would be much appreciated. 
Tickled Pink Cleaners
Making Customers Delighted

Blast Away

Re: Shower doors driving me crazy!!
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2013, 12:19:29 pm »
Love the company name!  ;D

TN Cleaning Services Ltd

  • Posts: 183
Re: Shower doors driving me crazy!!
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2013, 03:32:37 pm »
Hydrochloric acid or Sulphamatic acid

Put it on with a not too abrasive sponge scourer, spread it evenly,
dont just squeeze it all over and let it run down everywhere it will look horrible.
LIGHTLY scourer it not to scratch the glass, leave 10 minutes LIGHTLY scourer it again.... can feel when its descaled as it feels smoother each time you go over it.
rinse thoroughly.

Don't get any on aluminium frames or they will change colour
Wear rubber gloves & safety glasses

B Bailey

  • Posts: 198
Re: Shower doors driving me crazy!!
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2013, 05:04:04 pm »
I use Seldens toilet descaler, I put on with a sponge leave for around 10 mins then wash off generally this is all it takes, but have on the odd occasion had to go over it again.

Kev Martin

  • Posts: 6954
Re: Shower doors driving me crazy!!
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2013, 08:31:42 pm »
Aqua Mix Phosphoric Acid Substitute diluted.  A bottle will last you months

Kev Martin
Marblelife Ltd
Tiling Logistics Ltd
"Natural Stone Restoration Specialists" Tel: 0121 773 9129 |

Kev Martin

  • Posts: 6954
Re: Shower doors driving me crazy!!
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2013, 08:34:18 pm »
Hydrochloric acid or Sulphamatic acid

Put it on with a not too abrasive sponge scourer, spread it evenly,
dont just squeeze it all over and let it run down everywhere it will look horrible.
LIGHTLY scourer it not to scratch the glass, leave 10 minutes LIGHTLY scourer it again.... can feel when its descaled as it feels smoother each time you go over it.
rinse thoroughly.

Don't get any on aluminium frames or they will change colour
Wear rubber gloves & safety glasses

Why not get a flame thrower out as well and be done with it!!!

Kev Martin
Marblelife Ltd
Tiling Logistics Ltd
"Natural Stone Restoration Specialists" Tel: 0121 773 9129 |


  • Posts: 4777
Re: Shower doors driving me crazy!!
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2013, 08:40:02 pm »
Hydrochloric acid or Sulphamatic acid

Put it on with a not too abrasive sponge scourer, spread it evenly,
dont just squeeze it all over and let it run down everywhere it will look horrible.
LIGHTLY scourer it not to scratch the glass, leave 10 minutes LIGHTLY scourer it again.... can feel when its descaled as it feels smoother each time you go over it.
rinse thoroughly.

Don't get any on aluminium frames or they will change colour
Wear rubber gloves & safety glasses

Why not get a flame thrower out as well and be done with it!!!Kev Martin
Marblelife Ltd
Tiling Logistics Ltd

I thought the scourer was a bit harsh - some people and their sarcasm  ;)

TN Cleaning Services Ltd

  • Posts: 183
Re: Shower doors driving me crazy!!
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2013, 08:39:58 am »
Just use your common sense, its a sponge scourer.
Try pressing lightly.


  • Posts: 4777
Re: Shower doors driving me crazy!!
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2013, 09:03:28 am »
On glass maybe but even with most moderate pressure it will damage acylic

Tickled Pink Cleaners

  • Posts: 11
Re: Shower doors driving me crazy!!
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2013, 09:16:22 am »
cheers for all the quick reply's and great advice. Will try the Seldens toilet descaler first before moving up to acid, gloves and glasses.
Tickled Pink Cleaners
Making Customers Delighted

Kev Martin

  • Posts: 6954
Re: Shower doors driving me crazy!!
« Reply #10 on: June 18, 2013, 10:05:05 am »
Just use your common sense, its a sponge scourer.
Try pressing lightly.

The only common sense thing to say about Hydrochloric or Sulphamic acid is don't use it!  Apart from the PPE required and the respiratory issues the facts are they will both more than likely damage metal and acrylic on contact and if you use them in a commercial situation and the Aircon picks the fumes up the fumes will also do damage.
Anyone who has been on our courses will remember the photographs of Hydrochloric Acid Damage done in a building.

Kev Martin
Marblelife Ltd
Tiling Logistics
"Natural Stone Restoration Specialists" Tel: 0121 773 9129 |

Kev Martin

  • Posts: 6954
Re: Shower doors driving me crazy!!
« Reply #11 on: June 18, 2013, 10:27:18 am »
Hydrochloric acid or Sulphamatic acid

Put it on with a not too abrasive sponge scourer, spread it evenly,
dont just squeeze it all over and let it run down everywhere it will look horrible.
LIGHTLY scourer it not to scratch the glass, leave 10 minutes LIGHTLY scourer it again.... can feel when its descaled as it feels smoother each time you go over it.
rinse thoroughly.

Don't get any on aluminium frames or they will change colour
Wear rubber gloves & safety glasses

Why not get a flame thrower out as well and be done with it!!!Kev Martin
Marblelife Ltd
Tiling Logistics Ltd

I thought the scourer was a bit harsh - some people and their sarcasm  ;)


Yes it was a little sarky but people also need to realise the dangers of using harsh acids and the guy asking for advice is a newbie!  So now he has gone off to use Bog Cleaner and then a harsh acid if that doesn't work!!! 

Kev Martin
Marblelife Ltd
Tiling Logistics
"Natural Stone Restoration Specialists" Tel: 0121 773 9129 |

Tickled Pink Cleaners

  • Posts: 11
Re: Shower doors driving me crazy!!
« Reply #12 on: June 18, 2013, 11:14:05 am »
Before everyone goes off on one i will not be using or would never use acid in a customers property.

As for using bog cleaner on shower doors we all have come across cleaning products that can be used for more than one purpose. Will take a look and see if it would work, if not will keep searching and will let you know when i have found a proper solution. 
Tickled Pink Cleaners
Making Customers Delighted

TN Cleaning Services Ltd

  • Posts: 183
Re: Shower doors driving me crazy!!
« Reply #13 on: June 18, 2013, 07:02:21 pm »
Both of these acids are intended for descaling and also come as descaling products if you check.
I'm not talking about industrial acid from a barrel.
Any of these products can be bought from any cleaning supplies
Didn't realise he has to use a product that only you can sell to him.
Toilet cleaner is also an acid.
The gloves and safety glasses should be worn if using any kind of chemicals.
they do on the sites that I work on anyway.
Don't you teach the importance of PPE on your courses?

Why do people feel it necessary to be sarcastic and promote their own products
with every post they put on here?


  • Posts: 4777
Re: Shower doors driving me crazy!!
« Reply #14 on: June 18, 2013, 07:41:40 pm »
The Op asks a question and gets various answers some of which maybe right and some maybe wrong but each of these maybe open to interpretation. The OP may now be able to go away and make their own mind up. It is a forum which allows various people to offer advice and some replies maybe be tinged with a little sarcasm - maybe one could thicken ones skin just a little and just grin at some answers. Acids will damage acylic, plastic, chrome, brass and will darken stainless. We all should know the obvious facts about PPE and the the fact dilution rates have an effect on the products aggressive effects. Cola has phosphoric in it but I've never read you need PPE on the label

TN Cleaning Services Ltd

  • Posts: 183
Re: Shower doors driving me crazy!!
« Reply #15 on: June 18, 2013, 07:59:46 pm »
Thick skin it is then!
See, i'm grinning  ;D

Diamond standard ltd

  • Posts: 236
Re: Shower doors driving me crazy!!
« Reply #16 on: June 18, 2013, 08:05:35 pm »
Evans clear its very good stuff.

B Bailey

  • Posts: 198
Re: Shower doors driving me crazy!!
« Reply #17 on: June 18, 2013, 08:29:15 pm »
Aquamix is good, but doesn't stay on a vertical surface for very long, unlike a toilet cleaner that comes out like gel, meaning a longer dwell time.

Andrew Briscoe

  • Posts: 1311
Re: Shower doors driving me crazy!!
« Reply #18 on: June 18, 2013, 10:58:57 pm »
Kalizido from Solutiions in cornwall and a magic sponge often available from Aldi

Kev Martin

  • Posts: 6954
Re: Shower doors driving me crazy!!
« Reply #19 on: June 19, 2013, 08:27:46 am »
Both of these acids are intended for descaling and also come as descaling products if you check.
I'm not talking about industrial acid from a barrel.
Any of these products can be bought from any cleaning supplies
Didn't realise he has to use a product that only you can sell to him.
Toilet cleaner is also an acid.
The gloves and safety glasses should be worn if using any kind of chemicals.
they do on the sites that I work on anyway.
Don't you teach the importance of PPE on your courses?

Why do people feel it necessary to be sarcastic and promote their own products
with every post they put on here?

Well here is your reply:

1.  When you offered a solution relating to acid you should have pointed out to a new poster the risks involved in case YOUR ADVICE was taken.
2.   You have mentioned on several occasions that I promote my own products!  What you fail to realise or fail to grasp is I am offering advice based on experience of Marblelife Ltd "Natural Stone Restoration Specialists" so the Aqua Mix products that you think we promote on here are a very small part of the range we sell.  We promote Aqua Mix because we have been using the products for close to 10 years and we KNOW THEY WORK and they are safe.
3.  I have said this before as well, but i will say it again Sales on this CIU Forum of products in a month are less than what we sell online in a day.  I also pay to advertise, I also sell 1000's of other products which we never promote because theyt are not relevant to our posts.
4.   What we teach on courses is not relevant to the post.

Finally you clearly recognise this statement off your own website!

"We proudly strive to  use the most environmentally friendly methods possible"

Kev Martin
Marblelife Ltd
Tiling Logistics

"Natural Stone Restoration Specialists" Tel: 0121 773 9129 |