Two of my absolute hates.
The welfare system and how messed up it is, people leaving school with their hands out, expecting the house, the car, childcare - woman on GMTV yesterday morning 'I can't survive on £26000.00 per year' she was getting 32k a year but they are reducing it, in line with new policies. Six kids!!! - Don't have six kids if you can't support them!!. China have the right idea!
There are people on here earning a lot less than that, by a long way!!!
And that the kids are not shown how to work hard, and gain from that, I wanted to go into my local school and talk to them about how important CVs are, that they need to be grammatically correct, to the point and selling the person.
No interest!!
There are people out there who haven't got a pot to p*ss in - I have just given an eight man tent, brand new to a church group, for these sort of kids. I said all I wanted in return was a thank you note from the kids.The woman who picked it up was overjoyed and kept saying the kids will love this.
The second hate is the open door policy - you can come here but you should work, have an amount to start you off, or be going straight into a qualified position, a lot like Australia. Don't come here to bleed our system dry, you haven't paid into it, I have and I deserve it more.
I will help anyone who doesn't know or cannot see the way forward but they have to really want it, I would give nothing to scroungers, they make me sick and it is always someone else to blame.
Matt - We play the lottery, couple of quid a week, I'm not expecting the miracle but it would be nice if it happens.
It could be you