For some time I've been wondering, exactly where you are coming from, as you appear to be accumulating as much knowledge as possible through raising posts, but suggesting you're only curious, as you have no money and don't even know if you want to be a carpet cleaner, as you might become a web designer, or whatever.
You come accross to me, as pedantic in the extreme and I'm not convinced that your quest is for clearly have an ability to elicit knowledge........and otherwise aquire knowledge from simple sourcing methods including the use of the Web.............
You may be totally genuine, but from your posts, I'm not entirely sure. !!!!!!!!!!!!
If you want to talk maths then I'll simplify matters for you........
As stated above........working from adverts in two weekly Free / delivered......the other daily / three insertions plus a Free weekly title from same publisher.
For about three years, we worked from around 9.00am till 2.30 pm over five days and 50 weeks, taking ( on average ) about one hundred and seventy pounds per day, for around five jobs per day.
This is very much at the low end of the charges scale taking only ( on average ) about
thirty four pounds per job..........many on here would think this was not worth leaving home for.........but, it served a purpose at the time...........namely to get a cash flow into our depleted bank account.
Although many will say you can't raise prices after selling cheap, we found it to be relatively simple, but not done overnight.
At 61, I would'nt contemplate a seven hour shift, particularly as I suffer from recurring Sciatica and Spinal compression, however.........IMO someone who is fit and capable, should be able to earn ''two fifty to three hundred pounds per day'', provided they are working in the middle to top end and good at marketing .
Some claim to be earning this, from just one job.
Personally, I have a Ninja with heat, plus the external heater, which I use close to the tool excellent results are possible with this set up and will be achievable with many other portables with similar spec.
If I were buying today, I would something like the Prowler with auto feed and auto dump and I would avoid flatted properties without lifts..........if this was beyond my budget I would look at the Eclipse.........Ninja ( top spec ) ........Prochem, Alltec, Extracta .......there is another option, which is very popular in the US and Canada, ie
O/P machines, for which I would import A product called Argosheen
Anyway, its nearly mid night and I have an early start with two jobs which will be completed by midday and earn me one hundred and fifty eight pounds
robert m