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Mick White

  • Posts: 63
« on: June 01, 2013, 03:42:54 pm »
anyone know how to reinstate george from the internet back up
my pc crashed and lost the lot



  • Posts: 3553
Re: george
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2013, 04:25:04 pm »
You need to first download the restore program from the George website

Mick White

  • Posts: 63
Re: george
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2013, 09:32:16 am »
No thats no good my pc crashed and ive lost the George program and the website will only let me download the trial one again


  • Posts: 557
Re: george
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2013, 09:41:20 am »
download the trail one and enter the passkey code that you got when you bought George initially


  • Posts: 3553
Re: george
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2013, 12:15:03 pm »
NO... like i said u need to download the George restore, then once u done that u restore ur back up from the email or where ever and it contains your complete account and serial code.. George will no longer be a trial then.

Roy Harding

  • Posts: 1970
Re: george
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2013, 04:48:18 pm »
Actually your both right, you download george trial version from there website and the restore utility.

You ask Paul for your latest backup or the one you have on a usb pen drive.

You install george then the run the restore utility and point it to were you saved your backup.

And you back up and running. :)


Mick White

  • Posts: 63
Re: george
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2013, 06:26:47 pm »
Thanks all thats what ive done but cannot get hold of Paul at the moment
must be the weekend