I used to love the ding dongs with Ewan (Pole manufacturer employee pretending to be a windy) and "us normal mortals".
These arguments are few and far between now though.
If we really need to see who the bluffers are, just read what these top earners post, while sitting at home most winter days moaning about no work, no money and no plan.
Some people forget what they've said in the past.
What's silly is people assuming that nobody can earn more than they do, irrespective of where they are and prices in different areas. There are some good earners on here, I know for a fact that some members have profits of over 70K that post on here. If you read Dave @ st skives said a few years back when he met other people at one of the cleaning shows, someone was spouting about profits of over 100K and when he was talking to others later, they were shocked that he was
only earning that!
There is a good wad to earn in this game. Some earn a good profit, some have a good turnover but not so good profit. So unless you know everyone's circumstances, there's no point in arguing is there?
As for the OP, best learn fast from your mistake mate. It only cost you a couple of hundred this time, but the bigger the numbers, the bigger the mistakes.