Hello all,
The upshot of it all is that I currently work for the NHS, on an as and when required, however I have gone from working 48 hours a week, to sometimes less than 20 hours. I am looking in to starting out as a window cleaner because I have a little experience from working as a saturday lad many moons ago. I have always wanted to be self employed too, but the only thing that is holding me back is convincing the other half that I can actually start this along side the 18-24 hours a week I am getting at the hospital. I have been looking for, and applying for jobs since January and in that time only a hand full have even given me an interview and no job offer has come in. I know that in relative terms initial investment will be needed, van/car ladders, buckets, uniform, insurance etc, marketing and so on, but realistically how much is it going to cost to start out? and how long typically would it be before I was "in pocket" so to speak.
Any thoughts or advice is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.