Bin men around here are on between £450 - £600 a week. The driver gets paid more.
Making money on the internet usually involves 3 sectors. Selling a service (i.e. web design, CV writing, last will a testament writing service etc.) 2. Selling a product (like amazon or going for niche products) 3. Selling advertising space (I.e. create a website/blog/forum that lots of people visit daily, build the brand then sell advertising space)
First thing is first. Its very very very hard to make a decent wage online. There are forums full of internet millionaire wannabes. Do a search, I mean thousands of people all trying to compete for the same niches, the same service and products. And only a few succeed. AND when you finally do find a method that's generating money on a regular basis, google will make a change to its serps and you'll lose that income stream overnight. Same goes with other places you might be gaining traffic from like facebook, one change and there goes your money.
Back in late 1990s, early naughty's up to about 2008 it was a lot easier to make money and a lot of it!! And quickly. Now a days its hard work!! Hours spent in front of a screen not knowing if what your planning is going to bare fruit. Testing and thorough keyword research is the key.
There is a few ways to make money online, but I would recommend learning SEO for local search, learning facebook and other social media for local businesses, learn (or out source everything) like website creation, writing good copy, how to rank youtube videos etc etc. And then sell the services to local UK and US businesses. Become an expert in the field. You can then set up monthly contracts.