Chris come and spend a day with me youd love it.
1. Park van at end of drive, usually in everybodys way and pipes over walkways
2. Tell customer to get kettle on
3. Connect water and wait for tank to fill, this takes forever.
4. Customer has made brew and we have a chat and tell them how bad there water flow is
5. Finish brew as water is full
6. Start cleaning at 30lpm weve got about 30mins
7. Weve prob done half job, so stop and let water catch up tidy up bag up any mess
8. Customer pops out cus its gone quiet offers another brew
9. Refer to point 4.
10. Refer to point 5.
11. Finish cleaning area
12. Rinse down, bag up any crap, clean grids gullys, doors, windows, gate , fences.
13. Pack up van
14. Decline another brew
15. Take payment
16. Drive to next job or go home (optional)
Live the dream.