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Most of them around here catch themselves a troop of liths then you can wash cars properly with the water you save with them not washing themselves. There are plenty of disused petrol stations - the store room being lavishly converted with 16 bunks for the troop to base the identity ringing social claiming activities. You will also need a washing line with 200 filthy rags to hang drying. You will most importantly you will need a very ugly, smelly and meanlooking thug to oversee the slick operation. Seek to link with taxi, kebab and any other cash generating evening operating firms to futher enhance underhand dealings when the carwash is closed.
Mmmm - had some bloke called patel from burnley who owns a rental property property in Canterbury phone up and give the missus a load of gob because he did'nt see why he should have to pay VAT. She did say it was a government issue and not ours ! I've now banned myself from working for the whole family - knock you when you quote, knock you after you've done the work. The sewing machine lot are just as bad.