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Joe W Brown

  • Posts: 217
Google places "we do not currently support this location"
« on: March 29, 2013, 10:07:06 am »
My listing status has been 'active' for a week now, but whenever I click to view it I receive this message. " we do not currently support this location" Is this normal?

Ive read that it might be because I did not tick the box 'do not show my location on maps listing..' since I serve my customers at their home addresses, however I am reluctent to tick it, since I see all my competitors on first page in search have visable addresses and I would like to be with them. Also no address means less trust and smaller listing.

Google customer care is painfully sh@£

Richard Cole

  • Posts: 783
Re: Google places "we do not currently support this location"
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2013, 01:25:20 pm »
Google are a law to themselves Joe.  My website was in the top three for my home town on Google Places then a week  before Christmas it disappeared.  I found out it was to do with not ticking the box to not show my address, like you i could see all of my competitors were showing theirs which i found very unfair.  Anyway made changes to my listing and waited and waited................................... waited a bit more then suddenly i was back in the top three, then received a call from Google Places to verify my listing which i did.  Checked that night and i had disappeared again, can't work it out, i've done everything Google has asked me to, yet my competitors are still breaking the rules, doesn't seem fair does it.  My advice tick the box to hide your address and make sure your listing is compliant as sooner or later everyone else in your area will also have the same problem and by addressing this now you will hopefully be in a stronger position in the long term. :)
former carpet cleaner, now retired!


  • Posts: 229
Re: Google places "we do not currently support this location"
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2013, 04:33:48 pm »
I had the same message recently. My listing was active like yours but wasnt showing on google places.
If you view your listing there is a heading 'report a problem'...which I did, stating the above.
I received a phone call from Google within a few days and they basically wanted to clarify I was who I said I was  ::)roll
Took about 2 weeks but my listing eventually showed up !
Hope this helps

Paul Simpson

  • Posts: 999
Re: Google places "we do not currently support this location"
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2013, 08:35:13 pm »
Have you made any changes to your details recently......if you do so it can show this message after the changes and take upto a week to update.