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Carpet Dawg

  • Posts: 2968
Re: How does this look?
« Reply #20 on: March 18, 2013, 07:28:08 pm »
Just had a quick look.

The video is good (Dan, I'm pretty sure thats a fiverr job or atleast you can get soemthing very similar) and the choice of machine is good! I also like your logo, basic but good. Needs to be bigger though.

Deffinatly get rid of the pop up! Your not a porn site.

And i'd also remove the main picture you have on there, the green carpet with the vacum cleaner going through it!! Very clip arty,  very google image steal job! Every molly maid cleaning company up and down the country have used that as thier image in some form. Try putting your video in its place? maybe.

Infact, i'm not too keen on any of the images on the home page i.e. the happy family and vacuum/dudes legs photos.

Whats the customer login thing?



Re: How does this look?
« Reply #21 on: March 18, 2013, 08:14:58 pm »
I'm with Tony on this.

Those images do nothing yet waste nearly the whole of the "above the fold" area (the prime "real estate" on the page)..

Replace them with either a really good headline or video or both. It needs a focal point.


  • Posts: 485
Re: How does this look?
« Reply #22 on: March 18, 2013, 08:53:02 pm »
i like the site,although i agree with people digging out the vaccuum head,i dont think any punter would lock on to that,it looks trendy and modern
i would omit the word bleaching in your text,bleach and carpet dont mix !!
i like it

Mark Blazey

  • Posts: 74
Re: How does this look?
« Reply #23 on: March 18, 2013, 09:04:47 pm »
Nobody believes testimonial from private individuals, they just think they are made up.

If you have one Use a testimonial from a well known company who local people will recognise as a upper class establishment.

I use the Beverley Arms  Hotel which is best hotel in my town..... Everyone knows it

I disagree, customers can see our reviews on our website and Facebook page, I get positive comments about ours. I can verify all of ours by sending original emails. :)

wynne jones

  • Posts: 2918
Re: How does this look?
« Reply #24 on: March 18, 2013, 09:09:02 pm »
A well known business testimonial carries a lot more weight than Mrs Jones. People assume if they chose you, you must be top man. Of course this doesnt have to be the case as we all know if you get council work. 
It's not expensive, you just can't afford it.

Mark Blazey

  • Posts: 74
Re: How does this look?
« Reply #25 on: March 18, 2013, 09:38:38 pm »
A well known business testimonial carries a lot more weight than Mrs Jones. People assume if they chose you, you must be top man. Of course this doesnt have to be the case as we all know if you get council work. 

I'm TopMark not topman....we've got a mix of ours great one from Tesla Motors and recd one from the vicar on Friday.  :)

Carpet Dawg

  • Posts: 2968
Re: How does this look?
« Reply #26 on: March 18, 2013, 09:44:16 pm »
Is no one worried about posting who you've worked for on your site? commercial clients I mean. Incase your competitors try to target those clients?

james roffey

Re: How does this look?
« Reply #27 on: March 18, 2013, 09:45:31 pm »
Average price for a medium size lounge, £20-25, why work for nothing, you should times that buy at least 3,

Im struggling to find customers even at those prices, at the moment.

As demand goes up I plan too up prices also.

Trouble with that philosophy Joe is that your customers will always expect to pay the cheap prices, i understand why you would do that but the moment you put your prices up you will lose the ones that used you on price alone, i think it better to build a client base of customers who want you and are prepared to pay a premium for a premium service, not that i charge that much but almost double what you are charging. It will take you longer to get going but long term i think it is better.

Mark Blazey

  • Posts: 74
Re: How does this look?
« Reply #28 on: March 18, 2013, 10:06:35 pm »
Is no one worried about posting who you've worked for on your site? commercial clients I mean. Incase your competitors try to target those clients?

I've spoken to some of the letting agents who we work with, they are more than happy with our service if competitors were to contact them they would stay loyal to us. Not sure who else in Norwich that would want to clean 50 student houses in the summer....

Mike Halliday

  • Posts: 11581
Re: How does this look?
« Reply #29 on: March 19, 2013, 06:40:44 am »
I agree that some customers may be impressed with personel recommendations and use you,  they might mention that they were impressed but what you don't see are the one who don't believe the reccomendation or are not impressed and use another carpet cleaner.

Places or people we know carries more influence when looking at testimonials,  this is why adverts on TV use famous personalities ( wieghtwatchers, insurance etc)

Eg: I use chemspec ultraboost to clean carpets it the best chemical going...Simon Gerard


I use chemspec ultraboost to clean carpets its the best chemical going...P Smith

Which of these would you most believe?
Mike Halliday.

Tony Gill Carpet Smart

  • Posts: 1254
Re: How does this look?
« Reply #30 on: March 19, 2013, 08:04:07 am »
P Smith lol  ;D ;D ;D


james roffey

Re: How does this look?
« Reply #31 on: March 19, 2013, 08:55:22 am »
I agree that some customers may be impressed with personel recommendations and use you,  they might mention that they were impressed but what you don't see are the one who don't believe the reccomendation or are not impressed and use another carpet cleaner.

Places or people we know carries more influence when looking at testimonials,  this is why adverts on TV use famous personalities ( wieghnumptychers, insurance etc)

Eg: I use chemspec ultraboost to clean carpets it the best chemical going...Simon Gerard


I use chemspec ultraboost to clean carpets its the best chemical going...P Smith

Which of these would you most believe?

I agree Mike i just disagreed that no one believes them a lot accept them quite openly as i have found, the business testimonials are a great idea though.