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John Rimmer Marshall & Rimmer Ltd

  • Posts: 101
Re: Truckmount vs top end porty
« Reply #60 on: March 20, 2013, 04:26:57 pm »
Have not been on the site for some time but this topic has been on going for as long as i can remember the truth is that they both have there place. In over 20yrs i have always used portables and ok may not have been on the sort of money that some on here say they ern per year but am still hear making a living and thats all that counts at the end of the day. I would add that i do a lot of Hotel work and having a TM would be neither use nor orniment to me in those jobs. In closing i would say in all the time that i have been doing this job i can only remember one customer say something re a TM most would not know they exist and more to the point wye should they. So long as they keep coming back to me and no one elles meens that they must be happy, and i know i am.

                                                                     Take Care, John Rimmer