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  • Posts: 2051
new custys who enquire over text
« on: March 09, 2013, 07:55:56 pm »
had a few enquires recently by text and i've gone to quote them without actually meeting the custy and they always seem to be time wasters, they seem to want it done for next to nothing

1 st, she wanted 12 weekly i said no longest i offer was 8 weekly, she accepted then cancelled after 1st clean saying they couldnt afford it, 250k house and a nice audi on the drive

2nd i quoted 18 for 8 weekly, large 4 bed house, guy said he has had a cheaper quote and can i do it for less? at least 300k house brand new car on drive again, not as if they cant afford it, i said no 18 was a fair price i have others on the same estate for same. quote declined drove past recently and windows were still filthy

3rd quote done over text i said £15 for 4 weekly or £16 8 weekly, was a large 4-5 bed house but easy access and would be drive in drive out in 15 mins, custy declined over text saying she paid £6 before, my minimum is £10 and she can jog on i wouldnt even do the fronts for six,

none of these quotes were overpriced imo i have hundreds of simular houses with simular prices in the area but when its over text and without meeting the custy i seem to waste my time and diesel


ben M

  • Posts: 4720
Re: new custys who enquire over text
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2013, 08:01:01 pm »
lol. Doesn't matter the price of the house, if you are not happy about the quote, you don't accept it,end of story!


  • Posts: 2051
Re: new custys who enquire over text
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2013, 08:04:14 pm »
lol. Doesn't matter the price of the house, if you are not happy about the quote, you don't accept it,end of story!

i think you have missed the point

C o z y

  • Posts: 7775
Re: new custys who enquire over text
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2013, 08:05:20 pm »
Not trying to be witty. How do they know that they can ask for a quote by mobile? Do you have your mobile number all over the van?

Is that normal in UK? IMO, I'd never quote by text, all my work is done on eye to eye with the custy for the custy to go onto the books.

You need to change something, you seem to know that already. I'd start by not quoting by text. Hope that helps mate. As I say, I don't know how quoting by text can have a happy result. Maybe that's just me.

By the way, there are a lot of people who have new cars on the drive and expensive houses. They are sometimes like ducks on the water. Looks all smooth on the top, but underneath, the legs are going like crazy to keep moving. Some people don't sleep well on HP beds in houses that are owned by the bank. Or cars that are financed aren't so nice to drive until they're paid for.
No still don't understand, I must be thick


Re: new custys who enquire over text
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2013, 08:10:30 pm »
Why u charging £1 more for 8 weekly?


  • Posts: 663
Re: new custys who enquire over text
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2013, 08:30:00 pm »
i had a custy text for a price they said go ahead and never answered the door for the 6 times i was collecting in the area p taking twats also wouldnt send the bacs payment. if you have a realy good roand now and are not in great need of the jobs charge a large one of clean price to start with the idea that they will get there 6th clean free once you know they are trust worthy?


  • Posts: 663
Re: new custys who enquire over text
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2013, 08:31:34 pm »
so if there house is £16 charge £32 and do 6th clean free of charge. basically paying in advance untill you trust there not going to rip you of

ben M

  • Posts: 4720
Re: new custys who enquire over text
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2013, 08:32:22 pm »
Not trying to be witty. How do they know that they can ask for a quote by mobile? Do you have your mobile number all over the van?

Is that normal in UK? IMO, I'd never quote by text, all my work is done on eye to eye with the custy for the custy to go onto the books.

You need to change something, you seem to know that already. I'd start by not quoting by text. Hope that helps mate. As I say, I don't know how quoting by text can have a happy result. Maybe that's just me.

By the way, there are a lot of people who have new cars on the drive and expensive houses. They are sometimes like ducks on the water. Looks all smooth on the top, but underneath, the legs are going like crazy to keep moving. Some people don't sleep well on HP beds in houses that are owned by the bank. Or cars that are financed aren't so nice to drive until they're paid for.
totally agree, very good post mate!


  • Posts: 6100
Re: new custys who enquire over text
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2013, 08:41:08 pm »
Not trying to be witty. How do they know that they can ask for a quote by mobile? Do you have your mobile number all over the van?

Is that normal in UK? IMO, I'd never quote by text, all my work is done on eye to eye with the custy for the custy to go onto the books.

You need to change something, you seem to know that already. I'd start by not quoting by text. Hope that helps mate. As I say, I don't know how quoting by text can have a happy result. Maybe that's just me.

By the way, there are a lot of people who have new cars on the drive and expensive houses. They are sometimes like ducks on the water. Looks all smooth on the top, but underneath, the legs are going like crazy to keep moving. Some people don't sleep well on HP beds in houses that are owned by the bank. Or cars that are financed aren't so nice to drive until they're paid for.

Yes,yes & the motor usually has a pretentious private number plate!
Cracks me up.  ;D
One of the Plebs


  • Posts: 1511
Re: new custys who enquire over text
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2013, 08:50:46 pm »
be sure to block their numbers on your phone once they start trying to bargain you down , its for the best


  • Posts: 345
Re: new custys who enquire over text
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2013, 09:02:25 pm »
Face to face quoting is the only way for me, gives you a feel for the job and customer, they can still take the mick mind you.


  • Posts: 8974
Re: new custys who enquire over text
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2013, 09:06:57 pm »
I text loads of prices. Probably get as much as f2f quoting.
Don't go out of my way to quote though.

It's just the internet. Try not to worry.


Re: new custys who enquire over text
« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2013, 09:26:28 pm »
I have customers that i have never see quoted by email/text and they are all good payers.



  • Posts: 5602
Re: new custys who enquire over text
« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2013, 10:01:40 am »
had a few enquires recently by text and i've gone to quote them without actually meeting the custy and they always seem to be time wasters, they seem to want it done for next to nothing

1 st, she wanted 12 weekly i said no longest i offer was 8 weekly, she accepted then cancelled after 1st clean saying they couldnt afford it, 250k house and a nice audi on the drive

2nd i quoted 18 for 8 weekly, large 4 bed house, guy said he has had a cheaper quote and can i do it for less? at least 300k house brand new car on drive again, not as if they cant afford it, i said no 18 was a fair price i have others on the same estate for same. quote declined drove past recently and windows were still filthy

3rd quote done over text i said £15 for 4 weekly or £16 8 weekly, was a large 4-5 bed house but easy access and would be drive in drive out in 15 mins, custy declined over text saying she paid £6 before, my minimum is £10 and she can jog on i wouldnt even do the fronts for six,

none of these quotes were overpriced imo i have hundreds of simular houses with simular prices in the area but when its over text and without meeting the custy i seem to waste my time and diesel


do you have a website


  • Posts: 2051
Re: new custys who enquire over text
« Reply #14 on: March 10, 2013, 04:44:02 pm »
yes i do bob


  • Posts: 5602
Re: new custys who enquire over text
« Reply #15 on: March 10, 2013, 09:39:23 pm »
yes i do bob

is that were they are originating from,the reason i ask is the website making them think you may be cheaper?


Re: new custys who enquire over text
« Reply #16 on: March 10, 2013, 10:38:12 pm »
How can you quote without seeing the house
could have an extension or conservatory.

C o z y

  • Posts: 7775
Re: new custys who enquire over text
« Reply #17 on: March 10, 2013, 10:55:14 pm »
How can you quote without seeing the house
could have an extension or conservatory.

Like  ;)
No still don't understand, I must be thick


  • Posts: 2051
Re: new custys who enquire over text
« Reply #18 on: March 11, 2013, 11:34:42 am »
yes i do bob

is that were they are originating from,the reason i ask is the website making them think you may be cheaper?

they were all from flyer drops, my website is on the flyers so it is a good chance they looked at my website upon recieving my flyer,

i dont think there is anything that i am doing wrong, i usually pick up 2 - 5 customers a week with the majority accepting my prices, your always going to get the odd few who think window cleaning is only worth x amount

I cant charge £6 a house, £2-£3 of that goes to the taxman and on expenses, so £3 profit for a large 4 bed property is not worth it


  • Posts: 5602
Re: new custys who enquire over text
« Reply #19 on: March 11, 2013, 11:47:21 am »
you have probably just hit a few numptys